(Totally not raining anymore but let's pretend it is, shall we?) Still in bed at 2pm reading a book called "Sex, Lies, and Menopause" by T.S. Wiley with Julie Taguchi, M.D. and Bent Formby, Ph.D while the husband naps beside me. Will blog about this book at length I'm sure, but for now just diving into the scary world of understanding estrogen. (For the past 10 minutes I've been looking at a chart which explains the moon's role in my bid-ness...I don't think I can really comprehend this without a mood ring and a head of long gray hair.) Despite the fact that I just read that "any pregnancy after the age of twenty-eight is called a geriatric pregnancy in the reproductive endocrinology textbook," I am grateful on this day to be childless in my jammies and not schlepping kids to their various destinations. Instead I'll just schlep my dead eggs to and from the bathroom, thank you very much.
There are so many points of view out there on the subject that be sure you research carefully and thoroughly before making decisions to 'fix' a natural occurrence that is usually a slow gradual process. Another good book is The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup, M.D. I wish there was more out there to correct the notion that it translates to "dried up and finished". But you are correct that we don't learn enough about it in health class.
There really are so many points of view that part of the struggle is sorting through all the information. It's interesting that this topic sparked a conversation between two women of different age groups, even. (Emery is my age and had much to say on the subject which she sent in a follow-up e-mail.) The fact that we're even having this conversation might be a step toward questioning that whole "dried up and finished" thing. Oh my God, I love that we're only two blogs in and already talking women's issues. I'm definitely going to have go further with this and get some more input. Hmm...maybe a survey is in order. A va-jay-jay survey!
Ok, this thing seems to be working today! First, the picture for this one is so disturbing, every time I see it, I try to scroll by quickly. I don't know what to think of the term "geriatric pregnancy" other than to think I'm glad all three of mine were geriatric so I could enjoy my twenties!
Margaret--- I'm glad to hear of "geriatric pregnancy" success! I get that I'm an animal and that I probably (by nature's standards) should have been breeding by 15, but unless babies can eat Pop Tarts, I don't think that would have worked out very well.
Isn't that picture great? Horrifying but great. It makes me laugh every time I see it.
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