Can you even tell what that is?
I had enough extra sauce, noodles, cheese, and energy to make a second lasagna tonight after sending Dan down to his mom's last night with a first. I still had a ton of extra noodles even after that though, so I went through the cabinets to see what else I could build into lasagna form. (I didn't have any bacon but I'm sure some form of bacon-sagna would be every bit right.) Instead, I pulled out a couple of small jars of chocolate sauce, a bag of mini-marshmallows, some shredded coconut and began to build. The layering went as follows:
It got messy.
I baked it at 300-degrees for about 10 minutes and voila:
Looks kinda good doesn't it?
It wasn't.
(Well, let's not dismiss the fact that it was a medley of pasta, two sugar forms and shredded coconut; even if you get it wrong, you're licking the plate.) The lasagna noodles were done al dente which is fine for a large lasagna in which the noodles will continue cooking for at least 45 minutes in the oven. This same effect was not achieved in the 10 minutes I baked the chochsagna so the noodles were too hard (not a usual complaint of mine). If I were to do it again---and I will (you think Hostess got it right on his first try?)---I'd add way more marshmallows such that there was a thick sponge effect for the middle layer. This time around the marshmallows just melted, their whitness leaking into the chocolate. (There's either a dirty joke to be made here or a food metaphor in there relating to race relations, but I'm not reaching for either.)
A night well spent (and yes, Dan, I did the dishes).
Getting ready for bed now which is the only lame part of having the place to myself. While I enjoy a fine diagonal cross-bed recline, my fear of the dark limits this enjoyment. For this reason, I've (temporarily) moved the TV back into the bedroom...I need to be distracted from the silence.
I also leave the bathroom light on.
And Mr. Puppy guards the door.
Shut up.
Mr. Puppy cracks me up
Come home, would ya? No...don't rush. Just know you're missed (by Mr. Puppy, not me).
It's funny to read this right after I finished watching Oprah's special on Diabetes. That said, I think you should cook the noodles slightly in water to get the a bit soft. Then lightly (I said lightly) fry them to give a fun crunch. AND THEN dip them in sugar and cinnamon. I think this will help you in a big way.
They were boiled---five minutes or so---but still pretty firm (like your tush). Frying them though---that sounds good. The sugar and cinnamon---yes, please. (Even Dan said this sounded awesome.) You are an idea man, Matt Rodrigues.
I think the frying will cook them all the way. Then you can have a new item for DAMN GOOD TREATS!!
I need a better filling than marshmallow. Any ideas? I wonder if I could get some peanut butter in there.
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