Neither snow nor rain nor heat...nor flood?
There are actual waves splashing in my front yard. Our street and most of our driveway are already a foot under water and high tide isn’t ‘til noon. It’s trash day and we’re thinking of making a raft to sail our garbage bags to the end of the driveway. Dan is working from home today (the water would practically cover the tires of his VW bug) and the two of us are sitting back to back at our desks doing our thing and watching the water rise further and further up our driveway. (Our cars are presently sitting on higher ground though I’m not sure how long that will last.) It took us over three and a half hours to get back to NH last night (usually a two-hour drive) and as we sank into our couch after another week of traveling (he headed to Connecticut---his mom is home and doing better--- and then met me in RI) we wished it was a Saturday and that we could have an entire Sunday together. Or a Monday...
We haven’t said more than a few words to each other but I love that we’re home together on a rainy day. In hindsight, however, we probably should have gone grocery shopping last night as we planned but decided against since we were so tired. Dan has to pick up a prescription in town so we might put on our raincoats and swim to Rite Aid. We’ll use the stars to navigate. I’m kicking myself right now for not just buying a pair of Wellies any of the five million times in the last year that I held them in my hands at the store and thought about picking up a pair.
A fireman just came to our door to tell us that we could either stay in our apartment and be trapped for the next several days or they would come back at 1pm to take us out of here by raft. Apparently the river is more than rising. Our driveway now has a current. We're packing our bags and heading to a hotel. Another day's adventure. I'm not gonna lie, I just looked in the mirror to see if the outfit I'm wearing looks suitable for an evacuation. Is there a little black dress for such an occasion?
I hope to keep you posted. Pray for our cars and god speed.

Two of everything, Laura. Don't forget the peacocks...I love peacocks.
I can't friggen believe that this really happened! I can't believe you watched a family (complete with baby, dog, mom, and dad) go rafting by your house as they were evacuated! I'm in disbelief. I'm sad that Dan has cat allergies and you guys can't be here in our warm...and dry...NH home! I hope the hotel is cozy, clean, and dry...with lots of good groceries! May you make it home tomorrow!
Mattie---Our neighbor was making the two of everything joke, too. She said, "I just saw the boat go by and there were already two of my kind, so..." Everyone's a comedian...
Benny---Thanks for the offer of a home, Benny. We're pretending we're one of those couples that live at the Plaza Hotel. The whole thing was such a riot.
Wow, that is some serious high water!
Indeed! Thanks for checking it out!
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