Back on the wagon in a big way, people. This, after falling off in an even bigger way. The junk food bender of last Thursday went right through the weekend and involved massive quantities of Chinese takeout and a pint of Ben and Jerry's. (Go out now and buy Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone Dream. You can thank me later.) Rock bottom ended up being lunch on Saturday at one of those steakhouse chain restaurants. (I really can't remember the name but you know the type; peanut shells on the ground, massive cuts of raw beef in the window, obese children everywhere.) Upon sitting, the meal started with fresh out-of-the-oven buns which were not so much buns as they were fluffy squares of white bread cakes; picture the Pillsbury Dough Boy with no arms or legs. These were topped with warm melted butter and then served with cinnamon butter in case you wanted a little butter with your butter...which I did. A couple of those in addition to some fried jalapeno poppers, a cup of chili and a strawberry margarita that was so big it required a two-hand hold and my body just hurt.
The drive home consisted of me clutching my belly (I wouldn't unzip my pants because I want to remember the pain next time I think that I can handle just one cupcake) and saying to Dan, "You have to make me stop. Seriously. It has to end now."
And it did (after we finished off the Chinese food that night). I've been clean for two days now. Where's my sobriety coin?
I'm actually considering doing some sort of cleanse as a result of all this and as a healthy spring kickoff. (Yup, going the route of the self-righteous newly reformed addict.) I meant to do it the start of the year but the timing seems more appropriate now. Fruits and veggies are fresh and local, it's nice enough out to not feel defeated by muck and mud everywhere and I'm no longer wishing to be be swaddled in a spaghetti blanket at 4pm every day. It's time.
I'm not sure which cleanse I'll follow yet but I'm seeing some alfalfa sprout smoothies in my future.
Also, I think I'll try a coffee enema.
It's a real thing.
I wasn't actually considering it until I ran the idea by Dan after we watched a documentary which discussed these enemas as part of some alternative cancer treatment (no, I'm not making my mom do it) and, to my utter shock, he didn't seem completely opposed. That said, I'm not sure he heard me correctly.
We've been looking for a new hobby...If nothing else, I'm sure it would build intimacy. Though we'd probably need a little something to ease us into it.
Perhaps a strawberry margarita or seven.
Taken orally, of course.
I just read this before my morning coffee... I think I'll have tea.
Please do not do this...I will never be able to look at a Starbucks the same way. Why not go old school, a la "Little House on the Prairie" with a dose of cod liver oil? Or a spring tonic? (I have no idea what was in it, but I know that the LLL - little house laura - didn't like it so it must have been good for her, right?) If you're going to build intimacy that way, I hope you have two bathrooms or it will get really intimate. I wonder if it's possible to do a one cheek sneak on the potty while "cleansing"...
I love your blog titles.
NA---You laugh, but I know you're considering it yourself...
VH--- I really got a visual with the whole "one cheek sneak" bit there and I think you may have just talked me out of it. I also hadn't considered the logistics and the fact is that we only have one bathroom. Perhaps we'll have to go the professional route and head to a spa for the couples colonic package.
Danny- I just looked at your comment quickly and thought it said: "I love your blog titties," and thought, "Oh shit, what did I accidentally post?" (P.S. I love your blog comments.)
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