I'm going to bed, but I thought you ought to know.
I will give you the skinny when my head doesn't hurt with tiredness. (Last night's 7:30 curfew? Not so much...) but I wanted to at least let you all know that she is in her bed, in her home and it's about time, too!
Thanks for all the lovin', hopin' and prayin'.
I like this picture for two reasons:
1. Because Gigi is home and there's nothing quite like her smile when she is sitting in that particular chair at that particular table. Welcome Home!
2. The picture reminds me of the picture search from Highlights Magazine. Can you find the basket of keys, the Fish Oil, Ben's old automobile dinner plate, a giant jar of laxative and the plastic bottle used to fill the coffee machine with water?
Hooray for Gigi back at home. We wish her the best.
How come she has a glow and looks hot? KICK GIGI!!!!
Dan--- I love your brain. I found all the items and think this is a VERY fun game. I happen to adore you.
Mattie--- Hot, right? The lady keeps her looks...
Ohhh faaa!!! That's just the spot I wanted to see her in!!! I love this picture since it is such a classic Auntie Gig pose!!!! Much happiness that she is in her home digs. I love you Mellow's all of you's guys!!!!
ps-Dan you are one funny ass bastid!!!
I am so thankful & hopeful..thankful that you keep updating us and so hopeful for Auntie GiG. I keep signing on to check out this picture because it just makes me smile & also believe that anything is possible from here on out...
You are all always in my heart & prayers..
Beth the Anonymous xoxo
sighhhhhhhhhhhh....I'm so glad your motha is back home! ...And I hope to hell she had her tasters choice last night...and it was good to the last drop! My heart is warmed just seeing this picture!
And all is right with the world. She looks great and content to be in her own home, in her own kitchen. Hope she can get in some serious coffee on the deck time today - looks like the sun will come back out. My love to your whole family!
Amy---It's totally classic Gig. Also, Isn't Dan the biggest ass ever?
Beth---I like your "anything is possible" attitude. That kind of thinking could do us all some good.
Benny---She didn't even finish her coffee! I offered to heat up the kettle but she wanted it out of the hot water spigot which we know is never as good...
VH--- Indeed, all is right with the world.
i sure do love that lovely lady... xoxo
Ellie--- She loves you back and so do the rest of us...
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