So, with things being what they are, it's been a long time since I've written one of those uber-personal posts where you guys get that kind of squirmy uncomfortable feeling because you're learning something about me that you probably didn't need nor want to know. (The words "Raise Head," my response to Dan's getting a pay increase last year, come to mind.) Well, WAIT NO MORE! This will be the KING OF THE OVERSHARES! In fact, you better look around now because you don't want any co-workers or family members catching a glance of your computer screen over your shoulder and realizing what kind of sick-o you truly are.
Today's topic:
I'm having a COLONoscopy. (That was for your nosy cubicle neighbor.)
You have no idea how badly I wish I could go all Katie Couric with this blog and bring you guys into the room with me. We could have a little counter on the screen for all the inappropriate ass jokes I make before going under.
(Just so we're clear, I recognize that colonoscopies are very common and thus not as much of a source of embarrassment as I made it seem---it's not like I'm having genital warts scraped off in high def (too much?)---but I am talking about colons here, my colon in particular, and that kind of feels like a lot.)
The story is this: I have ass issues. Assues, if you will. Nothing crazy, nothing terribly debilitating, nothing we have to go into detail about...but enough consistent irregularities (if you get my drift) that I had to check into things. Given my family history---both my maternal grandparents and an aunt have had colon cancer and other family members have had polyps---the gastroenterologist to whom my GP referred me, thought we should dig deeper (oh, this is such fun for me).
Judy and I just firmed up the details of the appointment today and it's all going down next Wednesday. (Judy and I had great phone rapport. However, as we figured out a day and time that worked and she said that the doctor does procedures from 7am right through to noon and I said, "And then she has lunch?" Judy didn't quite get my joke.) So, that's that. I will have to fast on Tuesday and drink some kind of magic brew and then Dan will deliver me to the hospital Wednesday morning. (I'm pretty sure the prep is worse than what I'm stating here but I've purposely avoided reading about it...though I did read something that told me to avoid red jello which gave me a helluva laugh.) I'll have to go under for the procedure and thus won't be able to drive home so Dan's taking the day off to care for what will be his very sedated wife. (They say redheads require more anesthesia than most. Yes, Dan has already started making jokes about taking advantage of me...what with the doctor's head start and all. Too far?)
When I went to visit the gastroenterologist (a woman...the only way for me) and she suggested the colonoscopy, I was initially fine with the idea. Only hours later did I start to wonder what the hell I had signed up for. Most people don't get colonoscopies until at least 40 and some doctors won't perform them on people any younger because of the risks involved which include bowel perforation (let's pray that the blog title the day after the procedure isn't "Raise your hand if you have a perforated bowel!") or other complications that come with this kind of intervention. Normally this would dissuade me but, again, the family history means I have to be that much more vigilant. I started rethinking things, however, when today on the phone I was asked if I had a living will or a medical power of attorney.
I don't have either, so this will have to act as my will:
I, Lola Mellowsky, hereby declare that should I die during my colonoscopy (which I would not want written on my tombstone...please come up with something quippier or else use a Salt-N-Peppa lyric of your choosing) that I would like the following orders carried out:
1) Don't even tell anyone I died during a colonoscopy. Tell 'em I was found handcuffed to a hotel bed...that would be way less embarrassing.
2) Please bury me next to JFK.
3) Under no circumstances should Sarah McLaughlin be played at the funeral. (Salt-N-Peppa is fine.)
4) All attendees should be required to capture their tears in a graduated cylinder which is to be turned in at the end of the service. Anyone who turns in a contribution of less than 200mL will be locked in the church until they can cry the requisite amount.
5) I don't want a church service.
6) Radio City Music Hall should work.
7) Mr. Dan Lederer will be required to sign a contract stating that he will never remarry or else risk eternal haunting.
8) My rubber band balls are to be distributed evenly among my siblings.
9) My favorite sister should get the most.
10) Please donate all my journals to the most remedial English As A Second Language classes.
***On a final note, I would just like to say thanks to all you FB peeps who wrote such nice things about The Spew today. I absolutely was not gonna show up but seeing what you guys had to say made me remember how fun this can be. Thanks to all of you and to everyone else who keeps showing despite my lack of consistency which is due to a motivational/inspirational rut among other things. I truly appreciate it. Thanks for pushing me out of my funk...That...is...a...what...she...say.
What a gas! ;) I couldn't help myself...good luck with the colonoscopy girlfriend...the prework (that drink) is a lot harder than the postwork (tooting up a storm)...enjoy :) thanks for the laughter! loved this one as usual xo
The drugs are awesome. You will sleep much of the day following it and although you will be hungry be prepared to poop yourself the first time you eat anything. It will feel like it's just gas (and Ellie is correct on the toot storm that follows the poop storm) on its way and then suddenly realize it's not when it's too late. This seems to be a somewhat universal occurrence. Even the prep isn't that bad, although I found myself eating less in the days leading up to it - and only things I felt like would be easy to sweep on through. Best of luck.
That does it...I'm canceling. Eff that. I hate the word poop and I also hate the word toot...I could cancel on that note alone.
I soooooooooooo wish I could be there that day with a camera!!! This is the stuff 50,000,000 + hits on YouTube are made of!! Let me know if you need any "advice". wink. wink.
A fah! WTF is with our family???? Ok for the record I think that you would be way more entertainig to watch than Katie Courick. I wish you the best as always and won't say the T or the P word at all;) We will have to have a toast to clean colons on Sunday!!!!! love ya!
love ame
Well, Lo, I guess if you "aggregate" the sheer number of cancer patients-particularly colon cancer- patients in our family, it's probably the right call....however horrific it is! I have no "bandwidth" for such tests and, thus, this will not be part of the becky breslin testing "roadmap" in the short or long term... "RFPs" (with total recognition that they make me want to put a bullet in my head) will be preferable to this! All this "toot" and "poop" talk makes me want to swan dive... :)
Good luck-if you need some NH home cooken', you know where to come!!
Thanks for relenting to the spew taunting on FB yesterday...I like to know we have a voice in this process!!! :)
Start the prep EARLY. Not 5pm!! Like 2pm.....Or you will be up ALL NIGHT. Just went thru it. I gagged till I cried drinking the prep (as my kids laughed at me).
Ah, it's the prep that's the bummer. At the VA they prescribe a gallon of stuff to drink-- brand name 'Golitely' (a misnomer if ever there was one. And I agree, drink whatever you get in the early afternoon or it's going to be a very long night.
There's a history of colon cancer in my family, too, so I've had five colonoscopies.
The only consolation (aside from good drugs) is, you'll gain confidence in yourself after you're pronounced a perfect asshole.
Well said Rob! And you lose about 5 pounds.....which is always a good thing.........
Another plus is a beautifully flat belly...for a few hours. Chill some Sprite, too. I normally HATE the stuff but I have never had anything taste so good as it does during the prep. Real ginger beer over ice is also tasty.
@Matt - LOVE you!
Hilarious! :D FYI, Tommy had one at age 37 and it probably saved his ass. Doc. removed a cancerous polyp. Every three years for him now. Crazy stuff - def worth the minor discomfort :) I'll b thinking of ya.
LMAO....I'm sure Dan will rub your bum bum all better!
Good Luck!
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