Thank you all for your love and support. The wake will be held Friday, November 12 from 4pm-8pm at Connors Funeral Home. The last viewing will be Saturday at 10am and the funeral will be held at St. Barnabas Church in Portsmouth at 11am. It's a costume party...
You are the spirit of love who has touched the world. Each of us will carry you in our heart always. May you be at peace, bathed in the love of your daughters, husband and family, and the thousands of friends you have nourished and nurtured.
I will miss you.
Rest in peace.
So very sorry.
It pains my heart to hear the news and there are no words sufficient to heal your sorrow. I am so sorry for you and your family.
God love you Gigi.
Sending lots of love to all of you. XXOO
Thinking of all of you today. So so sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful woman with equally wonderful daughters.
We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life is rouhnded with a sleep.
Farewell, GiG. . .
Mom (S.Bayley), Well said. We love our Gig. Such an amazing woman full of love, laughter and giving. Alway in my heart. You are all in my thoughts.
Much love,
I love this picture Laura.
so very sorry for your loss
You were an amazing friend to our family. Your positive outlook, great laugh and sense of humor always made those around you feel better. Now you are the angel that will always be there for your family. I will miss you with all my heart.
This picture of you, Gig, and your beautiful daughter Laura is just the way I picture you...and what a full circle moment it represents...with beauty and grace, you comforted us all-effortlessly-throughout the years. The gifts you and Barry gave us- your daughters, our friends. Thank you for all the wonderful memories, stories told, lessons taught, and most of all-your laughter. Love, Light and Peace Gig...see you again.
Aunt Jeanne, You came to me this morning between wakefulness and dreams. As I was feeding Owen, I felt your presence... I looked up and you rubbed his head; I became conscious, and you were gone. A beautiful goodbye. I loved you.
Dear Mellow Family
Jeanne lives forever in your hearts, in the wonderful memories you have, the traditions you keep, the love that bonds you as family.
You all are in our hearts and prayers at this time of sorrow.
With much love,
Doris Foss and Family
So sorry Laura...
The answers quick and keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love,—
They are gone. They are gone to feed the roses. Elegant and curled
Is the blossom. Fragrant is the blossom. I know. But I do not approve.
More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.
Dirge Without Music, St. Millay
Laura this picture says it all...Can't help but feel your pain. She was so beautiful inside and out and I was lucky to have know her warmth and spirit. Love and kisses to you all...Linda
Oh, Lola, what a beautiful photo. I am so, so sorry for your tremendous loss. My heart aches for the Mellow clan. I love you all dearly, and I will miss your Mother always.
xoxo Kate
I love you so much mom. Rest in peace and we will all be together again some day.
Lola, There are no words to express how sorry I am to hear about your loss. Clearly, your mom was a beautiful lady, inside and out and will be missed. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I never tire of seeing this picture Lola. I love you!
love ame
sorry to hear of your loss soo young cancer is tough the picture of you and your mom is beautiful i grew up just up the street from your family though did not know you well sounds like a nice soul will be missed.
Miss Lola/Laura. I am just in tears here looking at this picture of you and your mom. It's breath-taking. We all loved your mom but there is nothing like the love between a child and a mommy. You are precious and she is gorgeous. Just as we should all be remembered. Love, Jackie (Binette)
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