Just wanted to report that all went well and I seem to have no apparent assues that showed up on Colon TV during my exam. No cancer, no polyps, just a colon that "looks great" according to my gastroenterologist (and reported to me by my giggling husband).
In short:
1) The drink was bad but not that bad.
A friend advised that I channel my long-dead inner beer guzzler and down it went. (Thanks, Jarvino.) It's true that it's terrible---lemon-scented dirty fish tank terrible--- I think I just expected it to be worse.
2) The drugs were good but not that good.
They gave me the Michael Jackson death drug, Propofol, which was disconcerting when I first realized it was such, but proved effective. As I told Dan, I'll never be an alcoholic because I can't take the dehydration, but I could see going the prescription drug route. All I'm saying is that if I had MJ power and money, I might have a home doc give me a tiny nip of "mother's milk" before bed, too. When I confirmed with the anesthesiologist that it was, indeed, the MJ death drug, he said, "But this is how it's supposed to be used...and I'll stay in the room." This was intended to be comforting but given that he was hottish, I wished that he would be heading out before my colon was up on the flat-screen.
Also, unlike MJ, I woke up. I woke up, um, while it was still happening. Fortunately, things seemed to be finishing up at the time and I was still drugged enough not to scream, "BAD TOUCH!" but the perpetrator was still in the house. Funny thing is that my mom told me she had woken up during her colonoscopy and that I should let them know in no uncertain terms that I would not like that to happen to me...which I thought I did, just short of saying, "Pour me a drink like you hate your boss." (In general, redheads need more anesthesia...I swear, look it up!) Ultimately, though, I think the guy probably gave me the perfect dose because although I woke up with the vague knowledge that I was being violated (and who hasn't had that experience?), I wasn't in pain and it didn't take me long to de-drug afterwards.
I did get a little chatty though which is what I apparently do in these situations. I have a vague, unsettling memory from the last time I went under for something like this, of telling the nurse some anecdote about myself that ended with the words, "my dream threesome." So...I'm glad I didn't do that this time. (That's a true story...celebrities were named.) (Ugh.)
3) The emptying of my colon was fucking awful.
All those it's not so badders are lying! That part was terrible. I'll spare you the details but the biggest trauma of this whole event occurred in my own home. Every time I feel a rumble in my stomach now, even just from hunger, I get flashbacks. When the doc told me I'd need another colonoscopy at age 40, I said that maybe 11 years is enough time for me to forget what went down last night...maybe.
But it's done and now I know that death isn't hiding in my colon. The coffee and muffin one of the nurses gave me afterwards (you know I loved every single nurse there) were the best coffee and muffin of my life, though I'm still a little timid to resume normal eating. Maybe it's an OCD thing, but I like knowing that my colon is all Windexed and shiny clean and I'd like to keep it that way.
I'll schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss things further, but there's nothing write home about.
That was actually the hardest part of the whole thing...not calling my mom to tell her all went well. Not having her call me this morning to see if I was ready. She's the one who got me to make the appointment in the first place though, so I'm glad I followed through.
I know she'd be proud of me and my great-looking colon. (Especially since there was no talk of threesomes.)
excellent news.
Glad you are okay! I can only imagine the smack talk that came out of my mouth. All I know is that I was weeping. I was probably reminiscent of a drunk college girl. I did have to tell them I need more of the sleep juice! We redheads need 20% more!! I take advantage of that as much as I can. :) Enjoy some real food. You are brave!!
What's so funny is that when I get drugged I start talking too. Remember when I had my wisdom teeth out and I went to visit you in NH? We went out for a great meal and I came out of the bathroom screaming that we had to leave because my face was so broken out from a reaction to the drugs that I couldn't bare to be seen? Well, when they first put my under all I remember talking about it how much I loved Rosie O'Donnell, "I love Rosieeeeeeeeee......we gonna be best oooooooof friendzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Super news! And kudos for you to be back blogging on the same day. I played the "amnesia drug" card the whole day.
So glad you went. My doc keeps fighting me on this and I keep saying, "but my mom said I need to get one!" Do I sound like a ten year old or what...I think the doc is a little horrified by my incessant requests for this procedure...can you blame him? Good for you for following through!
I am dying laughing right now. I'll say it again....this is your calling. No, not the colonoscopy, but the writing. Funny, funny, funny girl!
At the risk of oversharing, I'll tell ya a little story...I had to have a Scan once (not even sure what kind it was) for my pancreatitis. I was 17 yrs. old. I was really drugged at the time & the dr. was afraid the dye they had to inject would cause me to lose control of my nether regions, so they had to put some kind of tube up the bum bum just in case. Thank you Jesus for the drugs prior to this event. I have no recollection of them inserting the tube, thank you again, Jesus. I woke up back in my room later that night to a room chock full of people, including my new boyfriend's Mother. I should mention my parents had not had the pleasure of meeting her yet & my Mom was very busy making a good impression doting over her sick daughter. I start to wake, so the room goes silent with everyopne staring at me with those worried eyes...My Mom asks "How are you feeling, honey?" I rolled over, opened one eye (so I am told) and said "Mom, if that's what anal sex is like, I don't want any part of it." Rolled back over & passed out.
Once again, we were meant for each other.
I just realized how funny the thumbs up photo is on this post. A thumb on a post about buttholes - a beautiful juxtaposition. Well played, Lola, well played.
I could say soooo many things about the thumbs up....
BFYNM: That is one funny story. I appreciate you sharing that.
As far as the picture goes, isn't that thumb unusually long (not that size matters). I though it added to the story. Thanks Lola!
Thumbers: Glad you liked the picture choice. It made me laugh, myself. And I, too, thought it was an abnormally long thumb.
Jane: Thanks for staying tuned!
Sassy: You saved lives on this front! You gave me the advice to start the prep early and thank gawd I did because it was hours and hours of hell. Sleep juice, hah! Can I quote you on the 20%? Btw, Dan just said, "Sassy Snell is a redhead?" My answer: "Yeah, she looks like Bette Midler...gorgeous." When you say that about a woman, you really oughta repeat it for her benefit. (90's Bette, btw...)
Mattie: I so remember that night. You were helping me wash the floor because I was closing the restaurant... Someday you will tell that story to Rosie (I'll be there) and we will laugh and laugh.
VH---I really think they went light on the drugs for me because I could have probably driven home I was so sober so quickly. I don't think I got my money's worth...
Benny---Listen, we're going to have a discussion about your doctor being the boss of you. Though, I suppose it depends on whether you're symptomatic which is a discussion we can save for when we're offline if you'd like. Mom does have the final word on these things though...
BFIFM! BFIFM! OH MY GOD! This story killed me! I laughed so hard that Dan had to check in to see what was going on. And then when he read it, he laughed out loud. And you should know, Dan has a great sense of humor but his actual laugh is reserved only for really, really fun things. (He's stingy with his laugh, ask Bec.) CLASSIC! Dan said I should ask you for the rights to that story. Thank you for sharing that. Way worth the overshare. Way worth it! Indeed, soul mates.
Consider this my written permission for rights! :) True story, unfortunately! My Mother still hasn't forgiven me for embarrassing her!
Dan - I'm so glad to be honored with your laugh! Now, pardon me while I steal your wife. :) I will hug her and squeeze her and call her George.
You def. didn't get your $'s worth on the drugs!! But you did get a coffee and a muffin...I just got some instructions of which ment nothing to me in my drugged stuper!
When I woke up I was about to call the nurse over to tell her I needed more drugs - they weren't working - until I realized I was in a different room and it was all over. Ha!
Glad to hear the good news! I was clear in the rear too ;)
That thumb is really long...
Yesssssssssssssss, clean colon! Sorry I didn't properly warn you of the poop storm. That part doesn't really bother me. It's just the drink that I hate. And while I woke up the first time, I have not in any subsequent times. Yay, 11 years! Maybe we can have twin colonoscopies down the road, like how people get massages together...?
BFYFM - It's so bizarre that you said "I will hug her and squeeze her and call her George." Not only did that give me another chuckle, but one of Lola's nicknames for me is Lenny from the very same George and Lenny tandem. Lola can tell you why but yet another small piece of coincidence that proves you and Lola are meant to be.
Dan - See?! Totally meant to be....How weird is that? I have been saying that line since I was a kid!
Lo~ this post totally cracked my ass up!! Literally!! And I'm just glad your first experience with an official "hitch-hiker" went reasonably well! And you even inspired friends to share in their experience. Thanks for sharing all, I needed a good laugh today!!
Glad to hear that your colon is clean cuz. No one likes a dirty colon. Anywho, it guess it's a family trait. I get rediculously chatty during these times to. I remember when they were wheeling me out into recovery from a procedure at Kent County I told the nurse she had hot guys working around her. I was horrified when she told me about it after I came to. NOT RIGHT!!! So glad you are healthy in the bum!
xoxo Ame
I am so glad to be caught up on the Spew...this is some really funny shit girl....hilarious and brilliant as usual...and love the commentary too. So happy your tuckus is perfect xoxoxo
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