I am sitting at my desk trying, trying, trying to put a cohesive sentence (paragraph/entry) together to no avail. It is just too damn nice out and I can't concentrate. I had forgotten this feeling. I'm in high school all over again, working to finish my 11th grade research paper so that I can pass English (of all fucking subjects) and make it to 12th grade. This was the best red pen moment of my entire school career. First of all, the paper was on the "hidden"
drug references of Alice In Wonderland which gives you a little insight into what my interests were at the time and why I was struggling so hard with deadlines. And because I turned it in on the last possible day that I could for any credit, all I could earn was an F which indeed was plopped right at the top of the page with a note that it was "potentially an excellent paper..." Not too many F's come with that accompanying sentiment. The best part is that my Mattie, who is a year younger than I (which explains why I'm so much mature) turned it in for
his 11th grade research paper the following year since he had a different teacher...and got a C! Considering the project was supposed to have taken most of the latter half of the school year to complete and I gave it maybe two weeks (and that's a big maybe) worth of effort, I stand by that C. And so does Mattie. (By the way, I just checked to see if I still have that paper---I do, which explains why the Spoffice is what it is--- and 16-year-old Mattie had crossed out the F and written in an A+ "3D's such dedication, determination, and desire. That's friendship.)
It's moments like this, when I can share a 13-year-old memory with someone else who remembers it, that I am so grateful for our enduring friendship. (I just texted him to see if I could tell the story of the 11th grade research paper and he wrote back, "Of course you can...The truth will set me free!!!") The opportunity to see Harry Potter in the flesh is another perk of our love. The video above was shot last Friday at the Drama League Award in New York City. Mattie, the world's next great host, who will eventually push "Seacrest Out," flew in from L.A. to work the red carpet before the award ceremony and asked me if I'd come down to serve as videographer since it was a last-minute thing. Having never videoed anything
besides the occasional sex tape before, I was terrified that I would ruin the whole deal but it ended up being a fantastic time and another fabu memory to add to our treasure chest. (And Mattie, fuh real, I apologize for going so heavy on the zoom button. I don't know what was going on there. I'll do better next time, I swear!) The whole event was incredibly interesting and it was just one of those days I would have never planned on living. The red carpet scene is so fast and intense (the other cameramen and hosts were only inches away from us...and those bitches kept hitting into my tripod) and while I was sweating it out, Mattie just worked it and was so at home with all the pretty people. He had thoroughly researched each nominee so that he was familiar with all of their stage work and could just talk so easily to them. My boy's a professional and I'm feeling mighty proud of him. He just launched his new website www.matthewrodrigues.com and I encourage you all to get to know him now so that he can get you seats at Idol 2012...and at the Oscars in 2013.
So while today I was planning to write and post something very deep and profound and important about our last hour with Oprah and how she got me blogging again, my ADD is winning the battle and instead I am paying tribute to the guy who presided over my wedding in 2007 and with whom I shared a "fake" make-out session on stage during the school musical in 1998. We've come a long way since
Alice in Wonderland, my friend. Thank God we finally grew up...
That was AWESOME!! What an experience! Love James Earl! Matt you did a great job and Lola the video was certainly better than what I would do!
Great that you have maintained your friendship all these years. Good people you two's are!
Love yah
Mattie Rodrigues is totally gonna kick Ryan Seacrest outta a job!! Rock on Matt!! We are eva so proud of you! Love love love your friendship! Stands the test of time!!! xoxo
Pretty fucking fabulous that Mattie is...pretty fucking amazing are those dance moves Lo. Go get the Ivory/Dove/Irish Spring bar to put in my mouth if you must, but I stand by both statements.
Two of my favoritest people, evah!
There's nothing like long time, true friends with old stories...
That was the best 10 minute of entertainment I have watched in a LONG time!! You and Mattie ROCK! And really Liza? Standard poodles?? Who knew?
Laura I just came upon your blog and reading it for the first time. You are truly an amazing writer. I had no idea! What a joy! You are hilarious, as I remember! I will be back :)
this was effing hysterical!!! I was a proud sister watching....not just of my Losey, but of my Mattie who is like the bro the Mellow sisters never had! This was classic
I was getting caught up on Mattie's website a day or two ago...in utter amazement at him-especially knowing you were behind the camera! I consider myself, as many of us on this blog, to be one of your number 1 fans ;) and I have ALWAYS adored (my little brother for a couple years) Mattie...you guys bring out the best in one another...and holy crap-Hugh Jackman?! Yes please! "I thought he was coming in for a hug!" - classic moment...love yous two xoox - keep that show on the road!
Phenomenal is all I have to say, freakin' phenomenal!! Proud of both of you talented folks!
My favorite part about all of this is that with all that has changed within our lives, it feels like nothing has changed when we're together. It feels like day one of rehearsal for "This is a Test" on the PHS stage. When we're 90....excuse me....when I'm 90 and Laura is 91 I know we'll still be laughing and drooling on ourselves. You change my depends and I'll change yours baby. (As long as Dan does the "dirty" work.)
Fantastic job, you two!!! I do believe I prefer the wedding photo over the video, just a tad! :)
What a cool experience! What a great job by Matt, and I really your dancing at the end! haha!
Great Stuff! Well done Lo and Matt!!
(hard to believe I don't think I've met matt...feel like I know him from the blog though. Between the famous dbl cartwheel footage and this and everything imbetween haha funny!)
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