You know when you’re playing phone tag with a friend for several months and by the time you finally get her on the phone, so much has gone down that you don’t even really know where to begin in catching her up? That’s kind of what I’m feeling right now. My usual technique in that situation---especially if the missed content is especially complicated, like an ailing parent or two---I’m inclined to gloss over things or deftly deflect if don’t feel like working that hard. That’s sort of where I am right now. So, rather than simply saying, “Vacation was great but how are you?” I’ll offer a bullet-point glance of things.
- I went to Austin and the city and my dear friend, Jarvino, rocked and rejuvenated my soul.
- I went to Pittsburgh, the Poconos and NYC and all I got you was this lousy blog entry.
- It was also soul-rocking and rejuvenating in that unique way that cranial massages followed by Broadway shows can be.
- Dan will be in charge of planning all vacations for the rest of our lives.
- I finished my submission for the writing workshop I’m attending in August and am now able to once again inhale and exhale to fruition.
- There’s an inexplicable onslaught of flies in my apartment and I don’t know why and it’s freaking me the fuck out.
- I am having an upper endoscopy and biopsy on Monday to check for celiac disease. (I filled out my pre-op forms and specifically mentioned that I woke up during my colonoscopy so they know to put this bitch out good this time.)
- I’ve had to eat a surplus of gluten in preparation for this test, which put 10 pounds on my ass and made me feel so ill and cranky that I picked 17.5 fights with Dan on our vacation
- The half-fight took place in my head.
- Dan still heard it.
- I’ve decided to return to a gluten-free lifestyle no matter what the test says.
- But first I’m gonna eat a spaghetti-stuffed burrito as a last hurrah.
- My dad’s MRI came back clean which means any cancer left in his brain is microscopic at this point. This is what we had expected since the mass was removed during surgery but he has started chemo to keep it at bay for as long as he can.
- My Spoffice is kind of a mess again.
- I miss my mom.
- Just a whole helluva lot.
- I wish I could show up at her house with sandwiches and we could have lunch together.
- I’m playing with the idea of taking classes at UNH.
- I’m playing with the idea of attending the four-day Harry Potter movie marathon which is playing at select theaters leading up to the release of the final film (even more than I’m thinking of going to school).
- I’m drunk right now.
- Not really, but we have this beer that tastes like Fruity Pebbles and I kind of want to have it for breakfast.
- I went mini golfing with Bec and her family last night despite a pretty firm stance of opposition to the entire sport (can we really call that a sport?), and though fun was had, I still believe it should be abolished.
- I think that about covers it.
- But at least we’re back in the game here.
- How are you?
Sister, mini-golf is the BEST sport. I can't believe you're a non-believer.
Austin and I are here with open arms whenever you need more sweat and sweetness!
You had me at Bukkake.....
I think bukkake is going to be the new buzz word on the Spew. I can only imagine what search engines it will begin to show up on. Can I be the first to welcome "Hot and Horny in Tallahasse" to the Spew?
I almost spewed my wine when I got to bukkake (oh, there are so many things to say about that clause right there) and that would have been a shame because it's good wine. Welcome back and here's to negative test results that allow you to be gluten free only when you want to but still able to eat the occasional spaghetti burrito. As to the flies, check for dead critters somewhere. Several years ago, although the memory can still make be gag (back to bukkake), we had a dead critter that had tried to nest in the fireplace flue, but had apparently gotten stuck and died. We noticed the smell first, blamed the kids for being disgusting with leaving food around (that part was true), then a slowly increasing number of flies until they were so thick in the downstairs front room that you could literally vacuum them out of the air. It was like Lord of the Flies and the skater boys from Dogma come to visit. We built a hot newspaper-fueled fire in the fireplace and smoked them out. You could see them leave out of the chimney like a Disney film gone horribly, horribly bad. So you may have a dead critter somewhere and while you were away, the maggots have hatched into flies. Hopefully, you're lucky and it's a small dead critter that has already moved past the stink and is almost out of fly material. Welcome home.
Ironically, my word verification was "squab," so maybe you have a dead squab somewhere. Luckily, they are tiny.
@Talk2mrsh- 'blamed the kids for being disgusting'.....I think I just spewed coffee out of my nose laughing (back to bukkake)!
love you!
ps-so happy you and Dan had a great trip and love love love the half fight in your head!!!!!
Yup just googled bukkake (I'm so naive) - thanks for suggestion Kid and thanks for the laugh Lola. Sounds like you're as tortured as ever with many amazing opportunities. Sending love and luck through your peaks and vallies. Have missed the spew! I need a t-shirt!
hahahaha....so glad you are come, but even more glad (gladder?) you had a great trip away! How could you ever have doubted that Dan would have made that trip phenom...it's what he does! Glad your trip to see Jarvino was fabu, too. You so deserved those trips away. I'm most glad that you completed your writing piece so that now you can come over for Nespressos, pool time, and hell....maybe even more mini golf throughout July & August!! Yay!! Love that the spew is back!!
I am so with you on the golf is not a sport front...once again, meant to be together. The ONE time I went to the driving range with Michael, he tried desperately to teach me the proper stance & how to hold the club, etc. Screw that, for the last time, I can not be told what to do. Get it, man?! I tried patiently to listen & TRY to do it his way, but after about 10 minutes I was gonna take that club & wrap it around his damn neck. That was about 15 yrs. ago...he still insists I would like the "sport" if I would just give it an honest effort. Fool.
Soooo glad you had a fab vaca! Next time Dan can count me in! How was the champagne flute shaped tub?! You have failed to post pics...
Bukkake? Really? I don't even know what to say about that. I, too, had to google it. Wikipedia's explanation confused me even further.
Glad you are back safe & sound. Glad the writing piece for the trip abroad is complete. (I didn't even know we had islands off the coast of NH.) Gladder (?) that you provided me with reading material during my morning tea.
Two after thoughts...
I love the little bag inside the big bag attributed to Gig. I had a total mental picture of her revealing her secret to you :) Think I'll try that one myself!
And for you and anyone else with gut issues or interested in gluten, starch, sugar free diet I share these links:
We need a bullet point with LA on there!
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