I promise I will write all about summer camp soon. I've been home for only five days and now am heading down to RI for a three-day Ocean State jaunt. When I settle and finish the laundry, I will return to all you Spewers in full form. (I am, of course, a changed Lola after this week.)
Today, however, is a Gigi-post day. It is her birthday. I find myself wondering if the expression "another year younger" fits now. Like there's some Benjamin Button effect that has her aging in reverse out wherever she is. I like to think she's 42---the age I kept her at for years in my head---and that she's dancing and laughing her laugh and feeling proud of herself and her girls.
If I could, I would rub your feet today. I'd make you coffee and we'd have it on the deck and then go to Reidy's for breakfast. We'd drink lemonade later. I'd make up a pitcher and we would drink it down in the yard and maybe we'd go in the river together. I wish I swam with you more. I would love you up. I would look in your wise blue eyes (gorgeous, those eyes) and say, "Thank God you're mine."
Thank God you were the mother I got this go-around because it's made life a gift. I get to see what you showed me. Real things, not distractions. I get to feel another's heart when I look at her face because you taught me how. I can open my body in laughter--freely, loudly--because you showed me and let me. Your laugh, Mom, I get it now. It was also your tears. It was also your life. Your joy. Your generosity. Your intimacy. Your gift. I will have it always and give it always because that's what you did. Thank God you were my mom.
Happy Birthday, Mama. I miss you, I feel you, I love you.
Your Laura
Happy birthday GiGi! I suspect this post will make your Spewers go through some Kleenex (or is it Kleenices)?
Observations about this picture.
1. Lola still sits this way.
2. That's a pretty fancy cordless phone
3. I don't know if your Mom made the sun shine brighter on the deck or vice versa, but there is always a glow.
4. What's on your shirt? Is it still in the rotation?
5. I know Lola loves her Mom's outfit.
6. Can't she come back for just a few more parties on the deck..even just one? That's not asking too much.
Love my Lola and glad she is back (The supsti-spewing was stressing me out).
Beautiful Laura.
Happy Birthday Auntie Gigi!
Love you!!
You are a beautiful, marvelous, wonderful woman I know for sure your mother would be just as proud of you now....as she was before.
Dan/Kidtaco, Thanks for making me laugh through the tears (think that's a running theme here...)
Oh Lola, All I could think is how much every mom in this world craves to hear those words of gratitude and admiration from their child. You are amazing in your ability to express those feelings and Gigi is just as lucky to have you as you as her daughter as you are to have her as your mother.
PS: Yup, totally remember that dress :)
Happy Birthday Gigi!
Laura, as you are remembering your Gigi on her birthday today, I am remembering my mom on her birthday today too. So much love and joy they both gave.
One of the great bonuses of technology. Putting this loving, intimate snap shot of you and your mom out in the world makes it a better place. xo v
Love you all. Thank you all.
P.S. I think the shirt is either Itchy and Scratchy or Ren and Stimpy.
I was too chicken to read this on her birthday. Thanks for swimming with me that day. I will always treasure that swim!
love ame
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