And then he tagged this wall. (Photo by Aviva Rubin.)
Um, so...hey.
I like your hair...d’you do something new to it?
No? Well your skin really glows in this
Plus that color always works so well on you.
Very slimming.
Very slimming.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had a tapeworm.
I meant that as a compliment.
So, um, how have you been?
Oh yeah, me too. Soooooooo busy.
Hey, Boo?
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry I did that sociopathic break-up thing where I just pretended we weren’t hanging out and getting close these past years and just dropped off.
I’m sorry I’m here saying sorry again.
I just couldn’t get myself to post anything. I just didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I hope that doesn’t sound rude. I think we know by now that this is my shit. I just felt sort of meh about connecting. Sort of meh about everything really. It was all a little meh in these parts for a while.
And did I want to explain that? Did I want to say meh anymore than I already have?
Nay, nay.
And if try to embark on an explanation now, then this will just become another entry I never post. I know this because I wrote most of this two months ago and then as I started getting into it----writing about anxiety, depression and meds, oh my!---I got very holy fucking meh about posting it. So I put it away and then tried again two weeks later. Same thing happened. And then I just kept taking it out and putting it away again and again. (If you are reading this, it means a small battle has been won.)
But I’ve been thinking about you guys this whole time and wishing I could just call and leave you a message (I’ll admit, even in my fantasy I prayed to get your voicemail) so I could say:
Hey. It’s me. I miss you, Baby. I heard “Groovy Kind of Love” on the radio the other day and it made me think of you. I’ll never forget all that you did for me these last three years. All that you mean to me. I value and appreciate you, Boo.
And then, if I was a little buzzed up, I might sing a little.
When I’m feeling blue
all I have to do
is take a look at you
then I’m not so blue.
Really, Phil Collins? Twice you say blue? Twice?
All of this would have still been on your voicemail.
Then you would have heard me weep...or fall...or yell at my phone---Turn off! Turn off, Gadget!---and you would have known I love you.
But, no.
I stayed away. There was too much to say and I thought I wanted to be alone. I did want to be alone. I know how I sound. I understand if you think me a terrible ingrate right now. I felt that way too. When you guys come here, I am a writer whose work is being read and that’s a fucking privilege I don’t take lightly. More than that though, you guys are smart and safe and have been incredibly supportive through the crotch and when I disappear it makes me feel like I’m cheapening our thang.
At the same time, I didn’t want to disrespect you by telling you half-truths. Just the rosy. Next month it’ll be a year since my dad’s death and the last year---both parents being gone, the house on the market, the changed backdrop of life---it’s been, I’ve been, all over the place.
And I didn’t want to put my “all over the place” out there. You’re probably thinking---Oh, The Spew got hacked. All this talk about privacy couldn’t possibly be coming from the same brain of the girl who gave us the play-by-play of her colonoscopy.
Don’t I know it. Sometimes it feels like there are 17 people in my head (one’s named Paco) and they all have different boundaries. Some of them know I’m a better person when I reach for human interaction. Others of them are all, “Bitch, don’t you walk out that apartment door. You know we like our smoothie at the same time every day.”
But last month I went to Guatemala. And it was a fantastic adventure and the best reminder of why I have to fight---fight like a mofo---to be well and rebuild and create a bad-ass life. And I am straining every muscle of my hands and chest and heart to keep hold of that knowledge because depression is always trying to strip it from me. So I want to write something here about the trip.
Let’s give me a week. A little cushion. Today I feel strong. Tomorrow I might not. But I’m walking and trying to get to sleep at the same time every night and doing all that self-care bullshit that makes me feel like I’m eight-years-old, but which I know is always the foundation for any sort of lasting positive change. I should be able to get something post-worthy together by next week. Even if you’re not here---and I really understand and accept that most of you may not be here anymore---I’m going to get something up about my trip by next Thursday. (If nothing else, you'll get a poem.)
But I really want to write about it because:
It feels pretty wrong that I didn’t even tell you I was going, given that you guys were the first ones I told about the dream of taking this trip.
And because:
I don’t think I want to be alone anymore. Not all the time anyway.
Smoothie or no.
Love you Losey. Am glad just to see this and can't wait to hear all about Guatamala and see your hysterical twisted sense of humor shine through once again :)
Love you Losey. I'm so glad just to this funny tidbit and cannot wait to hear all about Guatamala and see your smart, hysterical, twisted sense of humor shine through once again :)
Sorry didnt mean to post twice. The first wasn't showing up at first :P
So glad you're back. I never gave up on you. I think I checked the sight at least once a day hoping to read your awesome writing but mostly to know how you are doing. Glad you are having a good day, I hope it stays that way! Miss you girlie!
simply fantastic to see you. truly made my day
You win!! You must get yourself a cookie or a glass of wine or gold star immediately!
I always knew you'd be back when you were ready. I often checked back & thought of you each day. I hope you felt the love from there. We are always here for you...whether you write or not. Sending you love & healing thoughts. ALWAYS
Love you
Beth the Anonymous
Katjak---You can comment as many times as you want...especially when you're saying things like that! Love you, sissl!
Allie---(Wheels, right? You know we've never cleared this up.) Thanks for checking in and coming back. Oh you! Miss you too!
Jane---Makes my day every time I see your name on here! Fuh real. Fantastic to see you too!
Marianne---Yes! I believe in the reward system (and so did my mom)! I love the cookie, wine, gold star combo! Cracked me up. So glad you're still here! xoxo
Beth the Anonymous---Always felt the love. Hope you felt it too!
Losey -
Woof - had to pick myself up off the floor when I saw an actual, real live Spew posted. I really did suspect hacking (aka Dan) was involved. Rest assured, we never, ever left you. You might have abandoned us for some Guatemala adventure, which you selfishly did not pack me in your suitcase for. Not to mention the Key West adventure you neglected to pick me up for. Where are we, I mean you, headed to on Thursday?! Really, it's a wonder you had time to send me, I mean us, an update with all these trips.
You know I love ya baby. I'm glad you are out of the "meh" and Spewing, even if just for the day. One step at a time. Of course, it would be easier to type if the sun rays weren't blinding you...but what do I know? :)
GNO as soon as you return, k?
Love you,
Let me just start by saying that your blog is one of my 12 top sites that I have up permanently on my MacBook. My heart did a flip flop yesterday, like a school girl in love when I saw the icon had changed... my Lo was back!!! For the record...We would have all been here for 30 more days waiting, 30 more weeks waiting and even 30 more years waiting for you to return to us. I missed you, I love you, so glad you are back my friend.
With love,
Paco is my new hero!!!
Glad to see you back, of course we kept an eye out for you! Baby steps are better than no steps!
Jaydee---I love that you were scared of hurting my fragile feelings but, fuh real, I always know where you're coming from. It's one of my favorite things about you---that you give me shit. No trips planned for next week just giving myself a little time to get at the writing the way I need to. Next time I'll put you in my carry-on. Love you, sister! Thanks for picking yourself up off the floor and always bein' here!
Lor---I wondered what happened to your comment! You're just the sweetest and I friggin' love that I'm in your Top 12! Hard to believe just a couple of years ago you were just one of my dad's co-workers and then you wrote your coming-out comment and now we're boyzzz. I feel so lucky to have you! My heart does flip-flops for you too!
Manchestaaaa---Can I tell you, all I have to do is see your name on here and I immediately feel like I'm taking a yoga class---I feel instant calm at just your cyber-presence. It's awesome! (And must be weird for you to hear...) Maybe we need some Paco t-shirts. I'll put Dan on it. Thanks for keeping an eye out, Manchestaaaa! So grateful for you.
Had to put my yippee in a text yesterday (friggin' school network) so I'll just say, "yes, please" to a Paco-Lola-Spew t-shirt! If the sun ever stays out and the temperature would puh-leeze climb out of the 30s and at least into lower 50s (even 40s with no damn wind), I will have my Spew crew shirt out for a walk or run. So glad you are back on here although you are forever in my heart.
I'm still here I'm still here!
When I saw a new post I even hit pause on the episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills that I'm watching in shame (not really feeling any shame but I should be). Pausing Housewives doesn't happen for just anybody, so glad to see you back.
Aww, yoga-cyber-calm... I love that! We should get together and try some yoga soon! : )
Def put Dan on the t-shirts... I would love to start a spew collection! : ) hehe!
i was beyond thrilled to get the text that a spew was up, but was too slammed yesterday to sit down and savor it. what a treat to wake up to it today. Losey, love you! Keep walking, keeping taking great adventures, and keep coming out ---at least to come see me :)!
Good Good Good! So glad to see a post Guatemala post! Could not be happier for you to have such an amazing experience and can't wait to hear about it!
I feel antisocial/meh on a weekly (if not daily) basis, glad I'm not the only one. And what you've been through the last three years....no wonder.
Hang in there, wallow* in the good moments.
*Wallow-love the def:
(chiefly of large mammals) Roll about or lie relaxed in mud or water, esp. to keep cool, avoid biting insects, or spread scent.
An act of wallowing: "a wallow in nostalgia".
Again so glad the trip shown a light on your abilities and talent and brought you a sense of empowerment. You can do anything you want in this world and you've already carved out a path all your own - you're on your way.
To more good moments!
Yes, its "Wheels"!
This is the best birthday gift ever! Welcome back. And yes...I am slimmer. Thank you for noticing!
VH---Oh, you always make me weak. Love you somethin' fierce. Maybe long-sleeve Paco T-shirts. ..maybe sweater vests for the winter months...
Corie the babysittah---Hey babysittah! (Oh I love all the handles.) You could have paused the news for me and I would have felt flattered...but Real Housewives? Now that could make me cry. You lift my heart. Glad to see you back seeing me back!
Manchestaaa---Maybe we'll do yoga classes in Bec's new foyer! It's a thought!
Benny---You're always my loudest cheerleader and I am always and forever grateful. Fuh realz. Thanks for every gentle nudge and poke.
Mart---If Manchestaaa is my yoga class, you are my daily affirmations. Or even the sun on my face. So glad to hear you too feel the mehs (well, not glad for your unhappiness, but you know...it's good to have the company) especially since you are a person of such insight and perspective. Thanks for all your encouragement and wisdom. And thank you for the clarity on "wallowing." I LOVE the idea of wallowing as a good thing---for both good and bad moments. Now I want a "Wallowing is healthy" t-shirt. "Wallow in The Spew!"
Wheels---thanks for finally confirming! I always thought so but I just wasn't positive. Your attendance has been taken note of. And appreciated. And you are loved.
Mattie---Baby, you are looking fiiiiiine. Happy 31 years on the planet! I always love this month---these 41 days---when we are the same age and I'm not the older woman in your life.
A sweater vest with pic of a Hippo wallowing in the the mud. Haha!
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