Once again, I just wanted to update the Spew-Heads on the week that was. Lola will be back here soon, so don’t worry. She is really doing an incredible job at taking care of her Mom. She has such a grasp of all the medicine that is part of her Mom’s daily regime (and there are oodles of medicine) and is so on top of all the care her Mom needs that it’s clear that she could be a brilliant doctor or nurse. She is quite the caretaker.
I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to her Mom, we have drifted away from good days and bad days to good moments and bad moments. The truth is, no day with this cancer is all that good. It was a rough week with GiGi. Her pain continues and there is difficulty in trying to find the right solution to her pain. More drugs, new drugs, old drugs, combination of drugs – it’s a crap shoot trying to find the right mixture of prescriptions that relieves our friend of her pain. The hourly question to GiGi is “What’s your Level?” meaning level of pain on a scale of 1 to 10. We are not hearing any 0’s or 1’s. However, in true GiGi fashion, the question makes her laugh. Don’t you love Gigi’s laugh?
The problem with the pain meds is that it has an effect on her breathing, and Gigi is already short of breath (and that sometimes causes brief pangs of anxiety for Gigi which makes her breathing even more labored). It’s scary to watch especially when you know the strain her lungs are already in. To make their Mom more comfortable, Lola and her sister Becky have been taking overnight shifts with her Mom, sleeping on the floor by her side for those moments when GiGi wakes up at night and she is in pain, restless, scared or just awake. These are the moments that this cancer has created.
In the good moments department, GiGi seemed to be in good spirits over the weekend. She was holding court in her family room – talking, laughing and even eating a little. Her pain had somewhat subsided (about a level 4) and we all got to share in her smiles and laughs. The family gathered on Sunday for Barry’s birthday, and everyone seemed happy to be together – at least for those brief moments, and celebrate something.
And then came last night. Lola was going to take a quick jaunt home today to tie up a few things in NH before heading back to RI. So, as I was furiously cleaning the apartment before work today in anticipation (yes ladies, that’s what guys do) when my phone chirped with a new text message. It said, “Rough night. Not sure how today is going to go.” When I finally spoke to Lola, she said her Mom had a really bad night and was having trouble breathing. They felt an ER visit was imminent. To add another small dose of terror to this nightmare, GiGi did not remember talking to her nurse the day before. Through it all, GiGi’s mind has been razor sharp, so the thought of even the slightest bit of forgetfulness scared the crap out of everyone.
When I heard from Lola next, they had decided to take her Mom to the ER. When they started to move her to the car, GiGi became winded. The more short of breath she became, the more scared GiGi became which made breathing even more difficult. They decided an ambulance was needed. The call was made, the ambulance arrived and GiGi and Barry drove off to the hospital with Lola in tow in her own car. We think she will be admitted, but I haven’t heard back yet to confirm.
In fact, I haven’t heard anything yet. So, like you, all we can do is wait. In the bad moments department, this is right up there.
UPDATE: GiGi had fluid drained from her lungs and is feeling a little better. She is admitted for at least the night, so stay tuned. Lola said that they drained "like a forty of beer" from those lungs. Lola's keepin' it real for y'all.
UPDATE 2: Another rough night at the hospital. Lola stayed the night and made sure she was there to comfort her Mom when needed. Leaving her Mom's side when she was so afraid was not something Lola was prepared to do, so they pulled up a recliner, gave her some sheets and let her stay. The bad news was GiGi's roommate, who was preparing for a colonoscopy, was having major blow out throughout the night (what a lullaby). The plan is for GiGi to come home today. Barry was back at the hospital bright and early and Lola went home to rest. If all goes as planned, GiGi will be sleeping at home tonight, although she will likely still be in pain and short of breath. We'll keep you posted.