Sunday, April 8, 2012

Were it not for my dad, I wouldn't appreciate how wonderful this is.

I knew the words to this song by the time I was five.

It's just the two of us having coffee this morning and I just played it for him. We've not been playing music for my dad because before he went into this deep sleep he really seemed to prefer quiet. I think that's part of dying. But I wanted him to hear this song one last time.

He opened his eyes briefly just minutes ago. He has beautiful blue eyes---something my mom always loved. I said, "Good morning," and he said it back to me. I said, "I love you," and he said that too, which is of course a wonderful gift.

They think he will slip into a coma soon---no more random eye-openings. No more I love yous. Just a peaceful death. That's all I could want for him.

Thanks, all, for the loving thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

That is a really beautiful image Lo. Heart is breaking....
Much love to you and please give your dad a hug frome me.

In deep sorrow,

Sue Bayley said...

Laura, Cherie, Katie, Becky, and Tara,
Thank you for sharing your farewell to your father with all who love him. Your generosity of spirit is a great gift to Barry and to all of us. I feel certain that he is experiencing peace and profound well-being on his journey, surrounded by the circle of love you have created.
Blessings to each of you.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I am imagining this but didn't your parents get into tap dancing? I vaguely remember someone's wedding with him doing a dance a little like this.
xoxo jen v

Talk2mrsh said...

Our parents give us gifts that we often try hard not to accept. I am glad you have accepted this one and have found a way to give it back to him and to share it with us. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. Burt told me your dad had taken up tap dancing. He had just a variety of skills,it is amazing.