I was reading through some old posts and noticing that there were some comments I had not seen or responded to (not sure if you check back, but I respond to every comment posted...'cuz I'm a giver...and because I'm so grateful...and I want you to keep writing) when I saw that I had a comment from "Anonymous." My first anonymous poster!
This is exciting for two reasons:
1) It is possible that it is a stranger.
2) It is probable that it is not.
I haven't been tracking it, but I'm pretty sure nobody is ending up here by accident. Unless you're searching for Melliterary Spew, Lola Mellowsky or thera-blog---surprisingly uncommon search terms---one does not just happen upon this site (as far as I know).
Anyway, the comment was in response to one of my thera-blogs and said "my psychiatrist needs a therapist."
Let's dissect, shall we?
First of all, as I wrote in response to this post, I bet his/her therapist has a therapist. Don't you watch In Treatment? I don't anymore due to a massive downgrade of our cable package---a loss I am mourning and will be writing about soon---but therapist Paul, around whom the show centers, sees therapist Gina every Friday. I have no doubt my therapist sees a therapist (though for all our candidness, it's never come up). The real question is, does she talk about me? I'm joking, of course, (do you think she does?) but the truth is that I would rather eavesdrop on my therapist's session with her therapist than time travel to any of history's epic moments, including the invention of the vibrator.
I'm digressing ('cuz that's what I do) but the point is, yes, anonymous poster, I bet your psychiatrist does need a therapist...probably because you depress him/her.
Now, tell me who you are.
Given the fact that it seems that the person who made the comment might not have wanted to disclose his/her identity due to the admission of being in therapy (though it could have been just a joke), it's likely this person is one of us and doesn't want me or you to know who s/he is.
(I feel like I'm in the movie Scream trying to figure out who's wearing the creepy mask.)
Okay, before I go any further, I do not mean to offend or compare being discreet with thera-business to wearing a creepy mask. (You'll remember I just came out, myself.) You are entitled to your privacy and I would hate to dissuade you from making further anonymous comments. Please keep writing.
And tell me who you are.
Are you wearing a hat?
Do you have a moustache?
Have we ever gotten drunk together?
While this reader could have been a passerby, a cyber-road warrior traversing the grounds of The Spew on his way to Perez or popthatzit.com, I'm hoping s/he is a regular (and that you are reading this right now).
Play with me anonymous reader!
It's not so much that I want to force you out of the thera-closet as much as I want to enjoy the delights of a fine guessing game.
Just one hint?
Whether or not you choose to play along, I want to thank you for posting and for providing this landmark in my blog's history.
Though it wasn't quite the invention of the vibrator, it did give me something to write about today.
P.S. No Melliterary Spew update on Friday due to busy (bookish) writing day followed by busy ribs and movie night. Progress is slow and discouraging at times, but so is shopping for jeans and I own much denim.
when you gaze at your navel, never be surprised to find lint.
IT's gotta be dad...
Katjak---I so agree. Though not sure he was the first "anonymous."
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