After spending Monday through Thursday of last week at my sister Becky's house, I hopped a plane Friday morning and found myself in Memphis, TN. In a plan that was conceived and born in less than 48 hours, Katie's fiancee (the ever-generous Gary) bought me a plane ticket so I could keep my sister and the little chub-nugget Savvy J. company while he piloted a last-minute international flight that took him away for a few days. Busy and important as ever, I was able to clear my schedule.
Most Notable meal: Gus' famous spicy fried chicken with baked beans and slaw. Also, fried pickles and fried green tomatoes. Coconut pie for dessert. (Shocking that I lived to write this entry.)
Most Notable Bonding Moment With Niece: After two days of baby back-up, Savvy chose to have epic baby blow-out while in my arms as I was rocking her to sleep. Did you know that stuff goes right up the back and through their onesies (and on to innocent aunties)?
Second Most Notable Bonding Moment: Going on a walk in the Memphis sun (no snow here!) with Savvy strapped to me via modern ergonomic papoose and having her fall asleep with her little faced nuzzled into my belly while I stroked her soft hair. (Could almost...almost...make me want one. This, despite getting the aforementioned blow-out on my hands.)
The trip has been fab and I head back to NH and to my own bed (!) tomorrow. (The crazies have started acting up---maybe due to lack of sleep---and I found myself up half the night worrying about the mere 30 minutes I have to catch the plane from Detroit---where I stop---to Manchester. I so don't want to miss this flight. Plus, Katie told me once about having to stay in Detroit and how she was put up in a hotel room full of roaches. I'd prefer an airport bathroom floor, thank you very much.)
As far as the Melliterary Spew goes:
I haven't worked on The Bookish one bit since last Monday. Let's hope December 1 comes late this year.
Ribs today!
Please bring ribs home (After you wash your hands from baby blow out)
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
jealous, jealous,jealous,jealous
Hahahaha! I went to read the comments, hoping someone would ask what's up with the montage of contraceptives, but laughed when I saw the word verification is "ranciaz" - exactly what Savvy J blew all over your hands.
Danny---In the end no ribs... Mojo's soon?
Mattie---The chicken place didn't have any Mac 'n cheese, can you believe it? Katie was craving it and ended up making easy mac the next day.
Gefilte fish: Dad?
VH---"Ranciaz" is right on! I've never heard baby farts like this kid's. It's like aa Burger King bathroom stall neigbor. The pic had to do with my pondering babydom despite the "ranciaz." The irony is that I'm late...still. (My word verification word is "imight" which I think has something to do with the fact that imight be ____.)
ahhh...Gus'...a delightful memory from July...I need to back in that place...except, even mo betta is that Katjak is bringing fatty jones with her back from Memphis to visit us until November 16th....so, so, so exciting!
Next time you go, you must try the Brazilian steak house...it is well worth your time...and the 1000's of calories consumed
is kid gefilte fish ..dad? hilarious!
Benny---Figured gefilte is dad but no confirmation. Can't stop thinking about the Brazilian Steak house...we may have to plan an adult Memphis trip. Danny hasn't been yet.
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