One last note on this picture: OH MY GAWD, THE HANDS! It almost made me lose my crush. JT's fingers are Gollum-esque (or Memphibious) and seem like they have some sort of vampirish/Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Doubt fingernails going on. (Creepier still is Jessica Biel's, I mean my...fe fi fo fum giant hand.) Still we shared quite a night.
One other thing, the title of this blog: "You'll never guess whom..." Whom? Who? Normally when faced with such a conundrum I would
It was a week of nieces pieces. Had a wonderful few days with Mollusk (Molly, who has infinite nicknames including Maldred, Molly Moo, Lou, Louie, Fally Molly and Dan's latest creation: Cerebral Malsy) last week while Bec was away. We made apple pie and banana bread, laughed our tired faces off, and when she asked to sleep in my bed at night I, of course, said yes. She had a pretty hacking cough going on and one night at 4:30am I had to set up a makeshift pillow-bed and have her camp out in the bathroom with me while I ran a hot shower in an attempt to loosen up her cough. It worked and it felt good to have some sense that after six years of watching this kid, I know what I'm doing.
Then there was Savvy J. whom (other than being completely ineffective as a food source) I felt pretty capable of managing. (I would have her on my lap facing me and the kid would go from a wide gummy smile to staring like a locked laser gun at my chest. Then she would execute a slow and controlled---she's got abs for a near four-month-old---descent to my jugs into which she would smoosh her face and eventually cry. Not the first tears of disappointment my rack has absorbed.) But I was able to walk her to sleep in my arms, and had her listening to her first notes of a musical, Carol Burnett's "Little Girls" off the Annie soundtrack and logged some rocking chair time with her in front of a fire. Effing bliss.
All this QT with the nieces gave me a little baby buzz. The same ol' thoughts and questions start creeping in: Should we? Could we? Would drinking through a pregnancy cause that much harm? Knowing that my age and circumstances are somewhat conducive to baby-making (married, health insurance, a bathroom I could lock myself in), the idea is a little exciting at times. It's interesting to feel adult enough that a surprise pregnancy is no longer at the top of my things-to-be-avoided list. (
Anyway, it was interesting that as all these thoughts whirled about, I realized I was a few days late. So yesterday I bought a box of pregnancy tests (picked up with a prescription medicine which felt ironic and then concerning and then bad before inspiring its own line of questioning and angst) and I took the test this morning. Always a strange experience, as any woman who has ever taken one knows. It's a feminine rite of passage, taking a pregnancy test. Some women do it with a friend, one person to be there for support. Some, I imagine, do it with their significant other. I've always done it alone. Whether or not I'm taking on a tenant is something I prefer to process by myself. It's all so commonplace and casual for such a momentous change. This little plastic stick that looks like a urine paintbrush makes all the big decisions. It's like a fortune cookie with really high stakes. Some women look right away. Some endure the two-minute wait period. I like to watch as the urine passes over the indication windows and the stripes, plus signs or minus signs surface like images on a Polaroid picture.
I'm not pregnant. NOT pregnant. And I have to admit that before relief washed over me, I felt a faint disappointment. I was surprised by this. Maybe it's possibility in its purest form that is so intoxicating and the drabness of certainty that comes with one line (rather than two life-affirming ones) that is such a buzzkill. Maybe I just sorta wanted to be pregnant in some far off place in my brain. Still, disappointment turned to relief pretty quickly.
Last night as Dan and I lay (were laying? Lain? got laid?) on the couch, we talked about what would come from whatever results this morning's test showed. We both agreed that the timing was not ideal. We both agreed that timing is rarely, if ever, ideal. (Though this would probably measure as the lowest level of ideal if I was making a bar graph. I just met Justin...) Still, if it happened, we'd have to do some serious thinking.
But it didn't happen (as far as the test shows) so we're off the serious-thinking-hook for a minute. We can resist full-blown maturity for a while longer. Thank gawd because right this minute, I don't think I have it in me.
That's what she said.
The quick who/whom test I learned was substitute he/him for the who/whom. If he works, use who. If him works, whom. And they both end in mmm (especially JT) so it's sort of easy to remember. Looks like "lay" is the right choice - past tense of lie. The rule for present tense is that it's always lie because a lady never gets laid (poor thing) so she lies on the bed (probably about the getting laid part "no, I swear, I didn't do it). I hear you on the mixed feelings thing. Once had an uh-oh moment a few months after the vasectomy when things can find their way back together. Probably my last chance at another pregnancy and I wasn't as totally committed to two is enough as he was. The relief took awhile to emerge from the, "shit, this is it" feeling of an ending. I hear ya.
VH---Thanks for the tip...I had heard the him trick but it still throws me since I've never heard "You'll never guess whom I ran into." That would be whom, given the him rule, right? Oy.
Also, does getting laid even work at all? Is it just slang? Though if a man laid a woman down on a bed that would sort of work, right?
Don't even get me started with hung and hanged. (He was well-hanged? :))
Thanks for feeling me on the whole relief/disappointment thing. Still sorting it out. Glad to know it's another one of those every woman things. Wow, about the vasectomy. A few months later? Geez... I wish they would start marketing temporary vasectomies.
Totally lost on this. Is, "You'll never guess HE I ran into in Memphis..." better than,"You'll never guess HIM I ran into in Memphis..."? They both sound like shit to me.
so, I'm on the phone with the dreaded IT helpdesk for my company because I can't submit my effin document up the chain of command for approval until the document is working...but I need IT to help me get the document working because there are some serious issues with it etc... etc... I am on my second call back to these fools, I mean folks...and as a way to stop me from losing my shit, I logged on to the Spew... I sat here and laughed my way through your blog and then laughed at talk2mrsh's response, your response back, and Matty's response...hilarious as can be and just the levity I needed!
I will say when I first read the title, I had funny eye brow faces wondering if the use of whom was correct, but then after further deliberation...and some input from some seriously smart grammar people, I feel confident that you were right. The lay, lain, laid really screws me up so I end up reworking my sentences or even thoughts, all too often. How about swim, swam, swum...is swum even a fricken word? I'll tell ya...espanol es mas facil! Quiero hablar solamente espanol por que nuestra langua is demaciado dificil y complicada!!
ohhhhh....I totally forgot to comment on the most important part! You, my sister Lola, will make a wonderful mama and I can't wait to spoil your bambino as you have done for my child for the last 7 years of her life! We are forever indebted to you for taking such wonderful care of Molly...
you must know that you and Dan will make great parents and I can't wait for a little meleder to grace my/our life with their presence! Bring it ON!
No, Mattie, darlin', I failed to mention that you have to switch the sentence a little in to a more subject-verb-object form - I ran into him in Memphis. So "whom" is grammatically correct, although it still sounds odd and I would gladly yield to more hardcore grammarians who might weigh in.
I will confess that I do have some handy-dandy books I pick up to double-check myself. And there's grammar girl online - her website is great! Or Purdue's OWL - Online Writing Lab - has grammar do's and don't's
Benny---thanks for the sweet comments. When I'm 45 and adopt my little Jolie/Pitt-like clan, you can spoil them then.
Mattie---I'm feeling guilt for letting you turn in my papers after this exchange.
VH---I heart grammar girl.
Benny, Mattie, VH---We are now part of a grammar club. Secret handshake to come.
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