I can't remember the last time I did an all-nighter and though I know I should feel shame, I'm mostly thinking, "Yup. Still got it."
This past weekend my sister Becky invited a bunch of her friends, most of whom she's known since kindergarten, up to NH for a party/reunion/getaway. Having known these girls myself since, well, many of them knew me when I was a baby, I attended along with a couple of my other sisters. I thought for sure I was going to be fighting to stay awake past 10pm...turns out the only sleep we three amigos got was between 5:30 and 7:30am when we moved to the couches to "just shut our eyes" for a bit. I've never been more grateful to be so very childless as I was yesterday when I was able to return home and completely blob-out.
It was a great visit though and a great party. We chatted and laughed and reminisced and looked at photo albums and the hours-long Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit game (Who's turn is it again?) was tight. (Team Poker Face, I think of it as a tie.) Bec has a PhD in hosting so there was nary a moment when food wasn't on the table or drinks weren't being poured. She served up buffalo chicken dip, cheese and cracker platters, chips and guacamole, dishes of caramel popcorn and chocolate-covered almonds, bagels with cream cheese, smoked salmon, sliced tomato and thin strips of red onion as well as a hefty order of Chinese food. Then there were the homemade calzones and seven-layer and spinach dips that the rest of the group brought in addition to all the tequila and Fresca for Palomas. I ate it all.
And then during blob-out Sunday I managed to throw down an egg sandwich and sweet potato home fries (courtesy of a very empathetic Dan) and a pepperoni pizza for dinner.
Now, I want to die. As much as I know that this kind of food hurts me (we're talking serious wounding), I can't seem to resist it lately. I'm boozing on sugar and grease. Yes, the weekend after weekend of this kind of behavior has caught up with me and the scale seems to go up a bit each time I check.
Today, I am trying to locate that goddamned wagon again.
Breakfast: Oatmeal with cinnamon, ground flaxseed, blueberries, almonds and walnuts.
Lunch: A can of tuna with light mayo and a diced apple (no bread).
Let's see if I can keep it up. Of course, later today I'll be picking up Molly for a little auntie/niece jaunt to the movies which presents the biggest of dietary hurdles for me:
Milk. Fucking. Duds.
I can do this. I'm strong enough. And if I'm not, Molly is. I will rely on her resolve after I give her a little pre-movie chat.
"No matter how hard I beg, don't share your snacks! When I tell you that I'm going to leave you at the movie theater, it will be an empty threat."
Wish me luck (and Molly too)!
LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the pix from the weekend. Just wonderin when a cousin version is on tap??????? We could break out in dance! I'll go first! Madonna- True Blue;) Okay eat the fucking Milk Duds Lola!!! If you have done that great the whole day you are allowed to treat yourself to a few yummy duds!!! DO IT!! xoxox
Ladys, booze, and food. Sounds like a dream.
Amy, where is the support re: the milk duds? I needed to make it through the day! (I only had one...) And as far as a Madonna dance party---yes please. I'm going to talk to GiG and see if we can work something out for a little back deck/beach bbq. Stay tuned!
Mattie---There were many saucy women for you to take advantage of...or with whom to eat. :)
I think we were born to pull all-nighters. Look how sassy we look?
I can't believe Milk Duds of all candy is what does you in. It even says "Dud" in the name.
I just heard a commercial for M&M pretzel- I am heartbroken I didn't know about them last weekend when eating peanut butter balls for dinner was acceptable behavior.
PS That was no tie...that was a win if ever there was one.
Kate---Dan says the pretzel M&Ms are no good. He likened them to Whoppers which, I'm hoping we can all agree here, are the worst candy product ever. However, I have heard good things about the M&M coconut and am on the search.
And you two do look ridiculously put together for that hour...hot bitches.
And, yes, we won...but it felt dirty somehow.
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