Woke up and had coffee talk with GiG at the kitchen table.
Accompanied her to nephew Ben's pre-school graduation.
Off to daily radiation appointment where I met and chatted with my mom's "radiation friend," a warm and lovely teacher who has two children under the age of seven and is on the better side of a battle with breast cancer.
Lunch at Reidy's where we chatted with an ageless Sherry who's worked there since before I was born. We talked mostly about Paula, another of the Reidy's family and Sherry's best friend, who used to serve me mugs of hot chocolate that would turn out to be filled to the top with only whip cream and would always send me out the door with a lollipop (even throughout high school). Paula died almost three years ago of lung cancer. Sherry shared her story with us (after cautiously and kindly asking us if we wanted her to) with all the love and tenderness that she felt towards Paula and with which we needed to hear it. "Thank God for memories," she said.
Walked with my mom on the beach and then sat with her in the sand and talked a while longer.
Headed home for more coffee and a game of Scrabble. (She whooped my ass).
Headin' to bed feeling grateful. Thank God...
And there it is.... ;)
This made me cry. I need a day like this with mom. Love those Reidys ladies.
This made me cry to. I need a day like this with Jeanne. Can't wait until Tuesday!
Mattie---I wrote for four hours and then threw this down at the end. Thanks for the push.
Benny---I think we should have a Scrabble tourney to determine the family champ. Mom has serious game.
Tina Marie---Love that you're heading out there. (Thanks for taking her to radiation. I know she likes the company.) Hope you have a nice visit. I know she's looking forward to it.
Just checking in with you to let you know I'm still here, still reading, still sending whatever it is when we send it - we'll call it prayers - your way.
Thanks, VH. Glad to know you're there. (Truly.)
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