Great night tonight. Mattie's in from Cali and he, my mom and I spent the night talking and eating outside on this very cool, very fall night. We started with coffee and tea on the back deck and then moved on to warm bowls of Dan's famous creamy chicken and rice soup. (Good batch, bud!) After that we headed down to the river and had hot chocolate while watching fish jump for bugs as the sun set. We didn't walk back up the yard until after dark and then the three of sat eating chocolate heath bar cake (yeah, the cake) and chatting some more.
I know I'm a slacker in these parts, but it's felt good to just step back for a minute. Gig is doing really well this week. Despite throwing up every day (which she says she doesn't really mind as she's "good with throwing up...") she's logged some time fishing at the beach with her grandson, visiting with friends and family and even gardening out in the yard.
Big decisions coming up---to chemo or not to chemo---but for now she's just enjoying the minutes. And we're all enjoying her enjoying them.
A perfect night. We laughed, cried and ate sugar. F#*$ MILLER!!!!
Love that you captured the GiG laugh!
Beautiful pics.! Beautiful Gig. - looking amazing! Glad it's a good week. One day at a time.
Pure love...such happiness. Thank you for sharing the pics - made me feel like I was sitting there those moments :)
this, of course, made tears spring to my eyes...mostly because I was so happy to see mom looking like herself, but also because I could cry with envy that I wasn't there with you guys!!! I'm so glad you guys had that night...
Mattie--right ON! F&*# Miller ...right!
I love this picture...warms my heart & sole. I LOVE her laugh & can't wait to hear it again...I also love the glasses in hand & her purse still attached although she's sitting. All GiG & everything I needed to see. Thanks Lola.. So glad to hear she's feeling well. Send my love and hugs & kisses to everyone. xoxo
Beth the anonymous
This is all any of us is given - the chance to have times like these with those we love while realizing there no guarantees about tomorrow for any of us. We have now. And when your "now" gets to be spent laughing, crying and eating sugar, all the better. I'd say you don't know the love I'm feeling for you now, g/f, but I know you do.
I am totally loving the pictures. But I hate to think, where is the pix of Matthew and Gigi dancing?? Slackers :)
As for Dr. Miller~I said to your mom~it's your life not a popularity contest. What works for one doesn't always for the other. I'm also a fan of 2nd or 3rd opinions when needed. The nice this about your mother is she is a smart lady and knows when to move on. I am feeling for the poor people that to put all their trust in their doctor. Gigi has been such a great advocate for herself!
Keep smiling cuties!
P.S. must you discuss the consumption of the spectacular cake??
Mattie---Good times, indeed.
Danny--- I was psyched to capture it too.
Mart---You know that spot! Yup, one day at a time.
Ellie---I totally ran into your mom just moments before seeing that you wrote her. We had a good chat and she brought over Portuguese sweet bread the next day which was so sweet. Water Street love.
Benny---We'll have to recreate the scene during your next visit. Plenty of nights by the beach left.
Beth---You're so right about the glasses and purse! Pure GiG!
VH---You're right, no guarantees. Even through this it's good to be reminded of that with all relationships.
Jenn---The cake was, once again, fab. I will be sure to bring it to the 10/10 festivities.
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