You guys, I know...
But would it make it better if I admitted that the reason that I'm not writing a lengthy post right now is because I need to watch Real World New Orleans on my sister's supah Cable while Molly, the niece's pieces, is at gymnastics?
Long story short: Last Friday, instead of staying put in NH for the weekend as planned, I ended up speeding down to RI after having a conversation with GiG on the phone and hearing the struggle in her voice. As I headed down 95, I actually found myself praying, "Please let me see her one more time. Please let me see her."
And, of course, I got to and, of course, I will again. She had a rough week though. Lots of pain, lots of throwing up, lots of hair loss. One night I woke at 3:30am to find her sitting up on the couch unable to sleep due to the pain and the two of us stayed awake watching movies and waiting for it to pass, which didn't occur until nearly 12 hours later. It's excruciating to watch someone you love in that kind of pain...I can't even imagine how hard it is for her. Chemo was called off last week and tomorrow's appointment with the oncologist will likely determine whether it's called off for good. She has some good days and some terrible ones, but the big decisions are still looming. That's the CliffsNotes version.
Right now, however, I'm up in NH watching Mol while Bec is on a trip for work. It makes my world that the kiddo still asks to sleep in the big bed with me when I stay over. As much as she kicks, I love waking up and seeing her in the middle of the night and it's always fun to play house and do the breakfast, ponytail, send the nugget off on the bus thing. I just dropped her off at the gym, a place I first took her to five years ago when she was only three. Then, I had to hold her hand and walk her down the stairs in order to get her to join the rest of the class. Now, while she waits for class to begin she pretty much ignores me in an effort to up her badassedness ranking within the gymnastics community. (I totally get the move, though I expect that in a few years time---at the most---she'll realize the riches of cool aunt with which she is spoiled.)
So, that's the story.
The true story...
The Real World: Incompetent Blogger
You are so NOT incompetent. Please don't beat yourself up. Life is dealing you and and your family a really shitty hand.
I read a really interesting article about the importance of bearing witness to the suffering of others - that's all, just acknowledging it and not being afraid to be there. You are bearing witness to the suffering of dear GiG and your family. And we, in turn, will bear witness to yours. Love you, love you, love you.
I'm with Mrs. H here. You are not incompetent!
I can't imagine how long you felt that ride to Portsmouth was.I wish I could have been in the car with you to swear like truck drivers all the way down.
I wish she wasn't in any pain at all. It breaks my heart. I wish that I could do freaking SOMETHING!!!
Big hugs to all of you.xoxo
love jen
I feel nothing but intense gratitude to you for watching Moll this week and enjoying it every step of the way. Sorry my cat killed a mouse and brought in under the kitchen table for you to clean while you were here :)...a little levity since I feel so sad about the week mom had. It's just awful. Thanks for racing down to be with her and thanks for being there at night with her. I feel sick about all of this.
I love you girls!!!
love ame
VH---I've been thinking on your comment all week...and also drawing strength from it. Love you back.
Jen---I know GiG loves having you as her pen/textpal...someone who gets it. Thanks for being there for her nurse to nurse.
Benny---I won't soon forget what a decapitated mouse looks like, and I have you to thank for it. I'm forever grateful.
Ame---We love you, too. Looking forward to F#$% Cancer 2010!
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