So, I’m sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Portsmouth (NH for you 02871ers) right’s 4:15, just dark. This town is the picture of New England Christmas and from my seat by the window, not only is there a view of the huge pine tree all lit up at the town center (star at the top and all), but what I’m observing of the passersby can only be characterized as “ holiday hustle and bustle.” Lots of scarves, lots of shopping bags slung over shoulders, giant wreaths with large white bulbs woven through their greenery hanging on lampposts. In the stream of headlights moving down this main strip, I can see the snow flurries that have been falling all day. (Does the fact that I can see the window of my therapist’s office, the lamplight indicating she’s still there, take away from the Rockwellian picture I’ve painted? For the record, I’m not spying, this is just my favorite coffee spot. I started coming here long before I realized that was her office window...too long, in fact. How did I not notice that earlier? Anyway, don’t put it past me to do something like spy on my therapist, I just happen not to be doing it now...though I do keep glancing up. Should I call her and ask her to wave to me?)
Nobody’s more surprised than me to see that I’m writing again so soon but (because apparently I’m so sensitive right now that even the wind makes me cry) my heart was just so swollen with love from the outpouring (I hate the word outpouring, I’ve decided) of support that came after yesterday’s post, that I had to write. Holy shit, you guys. I thought I was done thanking you mo fos.
I’m trying not to get overly mushed up here, mostly because I don’t want to cry in this coffee shop again, but there has been no more gratifying experience since starting this blog, than yesterday. It could be the most gratifying of my writing “career.” (Though the letter from Penthouse Forum rejecting my story for its “extreme racism” and because they “don’t publish stories about yaks, weirdo” still ranks.) Between the comments on the blog, Facebook, and the ones that came in with the Owl Post especially, I was just really overwhelmed with emotion and (yes, here it is again) gratitude.
Thanks for such a warm and enthusiastic welcome back. Thanks for saying such nice things not just about my mom and family but about my writing. Jeez, you guys really made me see just how lucky you are to have me! (I kid...too much?) Anyway, I can’t remember why we even broke up in the first place. Oh yeah...well, you made even that better for a minute anyway. Thank you.
There was a time when I thought I would never share any of my writing with anyone I knew. I was much more comfortable with the idea of strangers reading my stuff, much more comfortable with strangers “knowing” me. I had such anguish over what people would think if they really knew me (and that I do things like stare up at my therapist’s, seriously, it’s just a crazy coincidence that her window sits directly across from my favorite table). I feared what I perceived would be a bad reaction so much that I didn’t show anybody anything (and barely wrote for that matter) for a long time.
But, "Holy Dumbass, Batman" on me! It has been so rewarding to be received by all of you as I have and it’s actually provided the support and self-esteem to keep me going. (You haven’t bested me yet Penthouse!)
(And, by the way, for a long time I thought I knew every single person who ever read this, wrong. At my mom’s wake, a second grade teacher from my elementary school who I haven’t seen in years---who wasn’t even my teacher---told me she reads The Spew...And then she asked her friend, who also taught at my elementary school ---and who was the first teacher to ever scold me for talking; she kept me in for recess---if I was one of her students, which I wasn’t. I’ll save for another blog a description of the exact strangeness and loveliness of seeing these women in addition to my kindergarten teacher moving through the line at my mother’s wake.) (And, by the way, some people on this things are straight-up strangers. How ‘bout them apples?)
I digress (‘cuz that’s what I do), but the point was that I was just really so touched by your responses yesterday and even if you’re just acting the supportive parent to your scribbling eight-year-old, I am grateful. So, again (and for the last time of 2010...maybe), thank you and thank you and thank you.
Now, I shop...
(The light just went out in my therapist’s office...I need to catch her at the door if I plan to keep up all night.)
Lo---how I have miss you so!!! I check the blog everyday and in those few moments that my computer takes to download the page my heart crosses its fingers that I might see a new entry. So you can imagine my excitement when I opened it up to see TWO today...sweet Jesus...Christmas was early this year! Well you are welcomed back with open arms, yet completely just in all the time that you've been gone...I cannot say I wouldn't have been gone longer in your shoes, your strength astounds me. Understanding the pain of the holidays comes easy to me after my own grandfather, my hero, died on Christmas...needless to say I get that feeling of wanting to become a blanket monster and ignore the day wholeheartedly. I get an inkling of the pain, however I cannot even nearly tap into the level of the pain you are having. All I can say is I get it, I hate that you too are having to feel such pain and I love you my Lo.
Love you,
I have thought of you each and every day...Every time I checked the Spew I was sad to see you weren't there. I have worried about you so much. So I am glad to see you back to your writing. It means so much to all of us here and so do you. I know at times the grief is so crippling that you can't move one foot in front of the other (ok, that's me) but I am so glad you are back here expressing yourself in such a beautiful way...she is here & always will be & so proud of you! I love you so much!
Love, Beth the Anonymous xoxo
ahhh...this was a happy, funny entry and yet I sit here, again, reading the spew and crying. I guess this is my therapy...I don't have a window to stare up at (though, let's be clear...I probably should!)so this is my therapy...and there is NOTHING I rather do over my morning coffee (or my night time glass of wine) than sit down to my laptop and see that there is a new spew entry! It's so exciting. I said it yesterday on FB and I will repeat...your writing is your art, my dear sister. You have an incredible talent and I'm so glad you are fostering it. You entertain and touch the lives of more people than you realize through this blog...imagine when the bookish is complete and published?? I'm serious...champagne for everyone from your proud sister in the back of the room at your first book signing who won't be quiet because she's bragging so loudly about how you are her amazingly talented sister and she knew you when...
SO glad you are back...for so many more important reasons than your spew head friends love your shit!
btw...Still so thrilled you will be with us on Christmas. It would not have been the same without you and Dan being my wing man for food prep! Love you.
I remember when I was younger just writing what I felt down made me feel a little better. Was it some good shit to put on a blog~that would be a HELL NO!Didn't take away those feelings but lessened them a bit.
I am happy to see you here. You are a amazing writer.
You know, if anyone expects you to just be "moving on" this quickly after Gigi passed away they are out of their ever loving mind. I don't expect you or your sisters really ever to feel like you can move on. How could you? She was your life even before she got sick. She was everything to you. A very sweet everything.
I asked Kirk if when you lose your mom if you can ever recover and he flat out said no. Never recover but adjust.
Lola, if I can ever help you in any way please call or write. You are supported everywhere you go.
So glad you're back Lo! Beautiful, courageous writing, as always :) I laughed, I cried... I'm in total admiration of your ability to express pain and humor with such grace. Feel like I could be sitting right there with you in the coffee shop. Thinking of you and your family over chirstmas. Gald you will be together. Much love, Mart
I guess I outted myself as a lurker on your blog. I am so impressed by your writing Laura and have laughed and cried over the past year with each entry. You are a credit to Howard Hathaway School and have made us proud! I think of you often, your family, and your beautiful mom who I was so lucky to call my friend.
The Second Grade Teacher, (but not yours)
I started following your blog upon the recommendation of a friend of mine (the second grade teacher - but not yours) - There have been so many times I have wanted to leave a comment - but didn't want to seem like a creepy stalker. After reading your entire blog, I am convinced that you would be ok with that! Your incandescent writing has taken my breath away - the strength and suffering of your courageous and gracious mother(and her lovely family) shines through every entry. I wish you all peace and offer my sincere condolences for your terrible loss.
You are a wonderful writer, I will follow your career and cheer you on from 02871.
Straight-up Stranger
Okay, first of all, to Mrs. D (who is not now, nor ever was my second grade teacher): I will have Hathaway pride 'til the day I die and am grateful and honored to know you are reading along and for all your encouragement. Thank you so much for coming to the service for my mom. It was so meaningful to see you all there. I know her favorite trips to Clements' were the ones in which you two laughed and chatted in the aisles. (Of course, it was still IGA then...)
Straight-up Stranger: Thanks, too, for your kindness! There's no better feeling as a writer (for this writer) than to know a connection was made through the telling of a story...especially this story. Also, so glad you commented! (I think you've found your blog handle, SUS...please keep your presence known!) And, you're right---I totally love creepy stalkers! Just ask Lor!
Lor---The original creepy stalker! (I kid...I think by now we are so past my having to say that...) So glad to know you are still here (and still out there helping my dad enjoy his shift at the hospital). Always love to see you on here but was so saddened to hear about your grandfather. It must be terrible to have to remember that loss each Christmas day. I hope you were able to get through the day without becoming a blanket monster...(Though the term "blanket monster" is friggin' fabulous...)
Beth The Anonymous, Bec, Jen and Martball---You are all staples around these parts...Thank you all for the unceasing support and your constance presence (presences? presenceseseses?) on this blog. You keep me going ladies and I'll never, ever forget it. Fuh real.
You are brilliant Laura...
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