To my surprise, I have to say Christmas Day ended up being somehow great in its way. Tears were definitely shed (photo books were gifted), but I had just enough resolve to get through the day (and just enough wine to close the evening with a "We Didn't Start the Fire" duet with my brother-in-law on my niece's new karaoke system... epic). I had a good time with my family. The thing about a big family is that there's always chaos and in this situation the chaos served to cover the massive, aching hole of my mom for periods of time (however small) throughout the day. Then, of course, it would hit---the fact that she wasn't sitting at the kitchen table saying, "How great is this, I get to just have my coffee while everyone else does the cooking?" (which was a relatively new indulgence for her on the holidays) or on the floor playing a board game with one of her grandkids---and in those moments, I wanted to collapse. We all wanted to (and did at times). But, on the whole, we made it through with much laughter and had a day I know my mom would have just loved, though there was definitely an "offness" to things, as I think there always will be now.
For me, the days leading up to Christmas and those just after were harder. After all the worry, I made it through Christmas without her but...she's still dead. And I'm wondering how long it will go on, this being stunned every time I re-remember it. Now that the big to-do has passed, a new type of sadness has settled. I missed my mom calling to make sure Dan and I were safe during the blizzard. And I'll miss her wishing me a Happy New Year. I even miss the promise of actually having a happy new year. This year will be many things, I'm sure. Significant. Entirely different than any I've known. Maybe even marked by achievement. But though I know there will be moments of it, I am doubtful happiness will be the overarching theme.
Not exactly merry and bright here, now am I? Maybe after you read this blogpost you can go and watch Terms of Endearment and really conjure that holiday spirit. Our holiday weekend viewing included not only The Wrestler (not quite as wholesome as Rudy), but also A Winter's Bone. The latter is an excellent movie, but heavy as Santa's gut. (Really, Santa's gut? No better simile I can come up with there?) We currently have a copy of The Family Stone sitting on top of the TV but I'm not sure I'm that masochistic. I can handle some pretty dark stuff and am not the type to try to counteract sadness with a Will Ferrell marathon, but I'm worried that movie will have me washing down a bottle of Ambien with a funnel of wine. Not sure I can even go there.
The past few days have been all about movies and books and I'm so digging the calm this week is offering. I'm pretending I'm on vacation (I'll be out of the office through Sunday) and with the exception of some fun organizational projects, I'm totally indulging in some at-home R and R. (Also, some C and C...cookies and chocolate). For three days in a row I've taken baths that have lasted so long the water got cold...that's what I'm talking about. Dan and I did make a reservation for dinner on New Year's Eve and that will be the only event on the calendar for the rest of the week. Word.
Writing here is sort of against my vacation rules (limiting computer time is good for my mental health, I've found) but, I don't know, I kind of wanted to check in.
Plus, a line like "heavy as Santa's gut" is really pretty time-sensitive.
Happy New Year my Family Spew!
I can totally see Gig sitting at the table with a coffee and big smile & saying "how great is this...".Brings tears & smiles to my face because that was so her. Thank you for bringing such a beautiful memory of her. This is the hard stuff...the missing every little thing that she did. She made everything so special and I find myself as heartbroken today, if not more than the day it happend. My heart & thoughts are always with you Lola.
beth the anonymous
Lo- I am so glad you opted for a very Breslin Christmas versus a Christmas in the tropics (however appealing that does sound...). Nonetheless, I do think mom would have loved our fun moments during the day. She would have appreciated our tears, but she definitely would have wholeheartedly loved our karaoke jam session that night and our big ol' festive dinner (even if it was 2 hours late..just kidding, pete...I loved that it was later vs. earlier). Anyway, I expect more hard days in front of us...every milestone where she isn't there to witness it, every birthday where she isn't there to make it the most special day of the year, every call she isn't there to make or recieve...all of it...All I can say is thank God for the world's best sisters, the planets best husbands (all of ours), the best father ever, and an unbelievably supportive extended family and friend circle.
Love you, Lo...I'm so glad you took baths till they were cold this week. That's a good time if ever there was! xoxo
That pic cracks me up - especially with the caption. The emptiness you are feeling is so apparent. I'm glad you and family are able to experience some joy and laughter along with the tears. Happy New Year and hope you and Dan have a wonderful dinner together!
So happy to see you enjoying the Holidays with your clan! And really loving the fact that you have begun blogging again! It's about damn time. Shocked, I must admit, that our much anticipated meeting has not been discussed. Granted, the circumstances truly sucked, BUT the continuous stealing of glances across the room...the ultimate embrace...magical! :)
Love you! Keep on writing, my friend! It's your calling fo sho.
You did your best as you said you would try.
I am with Beth, I felt like I could hear her saying the things and doing the things you wrote.
I could see her doing the karokee too!
I wish that you weren't going through this. I wish she was here.
Keep your chin up. I hope you and Dan enjoyed your dinner too. 2011? We'll see about you.
love yah cousin1
I maybe to late but The Family Stone will kick you in the balls...and hard. I am sure you've seen it though so that maybe what the New Year calls for. Love you!
I'm not sure that last comment came across the way I wanted it to. Call if you need clarification.
I have to say as I drove to the store to get the cream and egg nog that I had forgotten I could help but shed tears. I was putting myself right there with you all. Opening presents and having a cup of coffee I knew where the greastest for Gig. I am with Beth on this one too. I am heartbroken. She's our missing puzzle piece. She held us togther and I am proud of us that we are going to keep that going. I love you!
Love Ame
So glad you all had such a great Christmas. Hope you stayed away from Family Stone, while I absolutely love that movie when I need a good cry it seems like punishment for anyone who has lost their Mom. I remember seeing it in the theater and rushing home to call my friend who had lost her mom about six months earlier to NOT see that movie!
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