Saturday, August 7, 2010

I feel like this is a gift from God just for me.

I know I've been a deadbeat but I'm an hour and a half away from departing for a weekend in Connecticut (to be spent poolside with Dan's family) so I don't have time to make it up to you now. (Next time, I promise to show up with a stuffed animal of some sort.) In fact, once again, I'm supposed to be showering and instead I am here.

But, I just needed an outlet for the excitement I feel about Rosie and My Oprah pairing up for Rosie's new show.

I first heard the news from Mattie who left a message on my voicemail exclaiming, "The queens have come together in the night!"


Because I feel it in my bones that I am supposed to get a job writing for this show (which would give me a reason to move to NYC while simultaneously giving my life purpose) there's a good chance that I may start posting weekly letters to Rosie as part of a Make-Me-Your-Writer campaign. (Campaign name pending...I'm open to suggestions.) We'll see.

But I just needed to let out a little Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (that is really so hard to spell) before going on my way. Thanks for listening.

P.S. My apologies to my in-laws for being late...We hit terrible traffic.


Matthew said...

Can you feel the shift in the air?!? NO MATTER HOW THEY ROLL THE DICE IT"S ME FOR YOU AND YOU FOR ME!

Lola Mellowsky said...

I feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down.