You might as well just inject me with MRSA now because I just joined a gym.
The papers were signed over a month ago, actually; the fees paid. But who joins a gym in the midst of the holiday season and actually goes? (Who friggin‘ joins a gym in the midst of the holiday season anyway?) So, let’s forget the fact that I signed up a month and a half ago and only went once in that time (thrice if you count the two introductory days one of the trainers took me through) and let’s say this whole gym thing just started.
I had been seriously pondering the idea for a while after doing a weeklong trial membership this summer and really digging some of the group classes, particularly Zumba. But, the summer being what it was, it didn’t make sense to join then and besides that, the whole thing is pretty costly. Because our gym is affiliated with our local hospital, it’s really well-maintained (read: not totally gross) and actually a very nice facility (read: not totally gross and also gets some natural sunlight), but you pay for it. I think it’s about $140 a month for both Dan and my memberships and this is on top of a pretty hefty sign-on fee. But, my normal walking routine is somewhat limited by the cold, I’ve grown to loathe all of the instructors on my workout videos (c-bombs have been dropped), and after my mom’s death, I knew that I needed to take measures in order to soften the blow of what, when it occurs (the risk is imminent), will someday be referred to by survivors as: The Perfect Emotional Storm. This is the culmination of three awful, life-threatening and terribly destructive circumstantial fronts. 1) Seasonal Affective Disorder 2) bottomless, unceasing grief that takes me down at the knees at least once a day and 3) the fact that I can’t watch the new Oprah channel because we still have lame, crappy, deplorable basic (like five-channel basic) cable.
We’re battening down the hatches (Dan’s hiding the booze), but the gym membership is intended to keep this dinghy afloat.
Now, a word on gyms. Ick. I have never been a gym person other than during a short period in my early twenties when I paid $10 a month for a membership at a place located a few shops down from the restaurant I was then working at. I went one time and was motivated solely by the fact that I had lost power in my apartment and I didn’t want to miss Ellen whose show I knew would be playing on one of the gym TVs. (I’m not sure about a bullet, but at that point I would at least take a treadmill for Ellen.) When I was younger, the only thing I knew about gyms was that some of my athletic friends went to our local one and all of them reported seeing, at one time or another, a few of the teachers from our high school...naked. The humiliation I would suffer if ever I encountered that scenario was enough to keep me from ever joining up. This brings me to my fundamental problems with gyms----they seem to be the shrines at which thee of extreme comfort with nakedness, worship. I cannot, I simply cannot, understand the ease with which women cross the room, stand at the mirror or engage in other casual locker room behaviors while partially or totally naked...like naaaaked. I’m practically walking into walls as I stow my coat, just trying to look down and avert my eyes from all the boobs hanging out all over the place. It’s like an episode of Scooby Doo when the lights go out and it’s totally dark except for pairs of eyes everywhere.

I don’t understand it.
I don’t understand how anyone can even handle being naked next to anyone else (other than in the obvious scenarios which necessitate nudity like with your partner or at the therapist’s office.) I don’t even understand changing clothes in front of other people which is a private-stall matter at stores, but public as a watering hole at the gym. Since when is it acceptable to engage in casual chatter while wearing only your underoos? (This is also my argument against bathing suits. It’s underwear! Bathing suits are simply bras and underwear that our culture has painted nylon, spandex and polyester and deemed acceptable for public consumption. It’s an emperor-has-no-clothes thing to me, this acceptance of bathing suits. And it’s not just women. If a speedo isn’t sexual harrasment, I don’t know what is. Burqas in the pool, I say!)
Now I know, in part, the problem is mine. You don’t need a PhD to know there are at least a couple of issues at work there. (Whatever, nakedness is a sin.) But Dan agrees with me that the gym culture of nudity is just bizarre (not that I advise validating your own neuroses with your spouse’s as common practice). That man has seen more old-man ass than a person should have to suffer in one lifetime and he’s as outraged as I am. (“Today I saw a guy holding a towel as he walked naked to the shower,” Dan reported. “Then I turned the corner and another guy was shaving at the sink, no clothes, his junk practically resting on the counter top.”)
So, besides the risk of contracting genital warts from the stationary bike, the nakedness and the mystery of gym culture that it represents, was another reason I was hesitant to join. Gym people are born gym people; you’re either in or you’re out. If you look cutesy or athletic in cropped yoga pants and Nikes, you know where you stand. Likewise, if your workout attire transforms you into a 14-year old with braces and your sneakers are the size of Ronald McDonald’s, you’re on the bench with me. Sorry, kid.
I was pondering all of this Monday as I walked in for my first gym visit of the new year. The ultimate selling point of this place is the unlimited classes offered. Not only is there Zumba (which is not a current interest; I don’t have the ease of heart to dance yet), but there are all sorts of classes for cycling, body combat, Thai Chi and a bunch of others including a variety of yoga classes in the “Mind/Body Studio.” I was headed in for “Gentle Yoga and Meditation for Beginners” and rather than anticipating my discomfort with the gym people, I was worrying about my discomfort with the crunchy yoga people.
I’ll say it before you have to: I know I’m the problem. I know my labeling of these people is akin to the exact judgement to which I wish not be subjected in these scenarios. I know I am the fireball of insecurity from which all others are trying to shield themselves with their walls of white light and breath-born energy shields. I am the darkness inside that yoga teachers warn people to release themselves from!
But at least I’m fucking honest about it. (And how much like a Spiderman villain did I sound like there? I am the love child of the Green Goblin and Kathy! MUAHAHA!) I am just stupidly uncomfortable in situations of pubic movement (speaking, and existing) and instead of just admitting that it’s due to my own self esteem issues, I blame everyone else. Is that really so wrong?
And not only am I worried and loathing you for what I fear you are thinking about me (not that you even care), but I am totally judging you! I totally fucking judge you! I go, “Wow, that woman is really strong. She can hold that position for so long. And look how close her toe is to her ear. How does a person even try that for the first time? I bet her husband is having an affair. That’s why she’s trying to get all into shape. I bet she does yoga every single day and doesn’t even feel guilt for it. I bet she had really supportive parents. I wish I could pull off cropped yoga pants.”
It is just such a childish sensibility that comes over me in these moments and I think I’m that much more aware of it because this wasn’t my sensibility as a child. Sure, I had things I was self-conscious about---that’s why god gave us padded bras---but I was not nearly as shy and antisocial as I am now and I can’t help but wonder what changed and how I can get back to feeling so unaware of what I'm feeling.
For example, a couple of years ago I went to dinner at a restaurant with a group of about eight or 10 ladies to celebrate the upcoming wedding of a friend of mine (who was already good and pregnant so for whom a par-tay would not have been suitable). There was a girl there that I hadn’t seen much of since high school who moved to my hometown in seventh grade. During the dinner she told me that her memory of her first day at school with us was that I went up to her, introduced myself, and chatted her up. I felt so proud of little 12-year-old me but was also well aware that times had changed. Were the adult equivalent of this scenario to play out now...I would watch her squirm. Not out of unfriendliness as much as fear. Who am I to introduce myself? I bet she wants to be alone and is psyched she doesn’t know anyone here. That’s probably why she came to this gym. I better not bother her. And how the fuck does a person look so good in cropped yoga pants?
You see what I’m saying don’t you? I’d like to think I would behave differently (and my inner Gigi tells me I would if tested) but it is not as instinctual as it once was and in the place of all that confidence is an insecure messiness that I’m trying to sort out by pushing myself to attend such classes or giving such things a real attempt before I count myself out. I’m here to tell you it’s not easy which is, of course, why I know I have to do it. F U COMFORT ZONE! This is all part of Operation Build Up Your Goddamned Self Esteem, Live Your Life and Get the Fuck on With It! (Is this one of the Oprah’s new shows? I wouldn’t know...)
What I’d really like is by the end of 2011 to have tried all the classes offered at this gym including, I shit you not, Aqua Zumba. (Though, as I told Dan, it is very, very hard for me to want to attend anything that takes place in something called a “warm pool.”) In fact, you wanna know what I ordered online last week and are in the mail on the way to me this very moment? D’yawannaknow? I can’t even believe I’m admitting this. Bathing suits. Two of them. IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING JANUARY! ‘Tis been a long, long time since I bought a bathing suit (because if there’s anything more vanquishing than trying on bathing suits, I’ve never experienced it). That’s how committed I am to shaking this fear shizzle once and for all (or even just once). That’s the kind of game-changing going down with this gym membership, I tell ya.
I thought this blog entry was going to be an account of that first yoga class---hence the hint about the sensual hip circles---but it became this other thing, which sometimes happens. I suppose that means there’s going to be a volume two? Maybe even a little running thing about this whole effort if I manage to really get it off the ground. (One trip to a yoga class does not a reform maketh.) Writing about it could give me the push to stay on track and disciplined. And, if nothing else, I know you guys will wholly empathize with me on this journey. Right? Or are there gym people amongst us? Despite what I said earlier ("I totally fucking judge you!"), you are safe here. And perhaps you can even help me out. Maybe you can answer this little nugget I've been tossing around in my head: Who...what type...what breed...of human being...participates...in Aqua Zumba.
Regardless, I’m sure I hate them.
P.S. New Year’s Resolution, cuz this whole thing is not of that variety and I thought I’d try at least one: Swear less. MUAHAHA!
Hahaha! I hate gyms, but I joined about 4 or 5 years ago - cause my joints were deteriorating on me. I must admit I don't mind the naked people, though I totally get what you're saying. I just tell myself "each to their own". And it turns out I'm a crunchy yoga person, ha! Yoga has saved me physicaly and mentaly. I don't think I could live w/o it now. There are other classes at my gym, but I fell in love with yoga and that's about the only thing I do at the gym now. Trying to motivate to use the machines more but their so boring! I don't know if you'd catch me in the warm pool :P
Looking fwd to volume 2!
Ohhhh those damn nakeds!!! I recall belonging to this gym in a swankier area of Atlanta that had more families and less of the college crowd. I can remember this one specific moment looking up to see a 50 or 60-something grandmother and her probably 4 year old granddaughter both completely naked sitting ass bare on this bench... I don't know shooting the shit or something!? Actually, in the South to be fair it's pronounced NEEEECKED and you can pretty much equate how melodious it sounds to nails on a chalkboard. Anyway, then to my absolute shock and despair a third naked individual walks up and apparently knows the other two and I can barely say this without my yogurt coming back up now....hugged each other NAKED!!!!! Then the two proceeded to hold a very engaging conversation, talking with their hands on their hips, bending over to scratch a leg or a little fluffing of the hair-- seriously, like they were at the grocery store or something...no one putting a stitch of clothing on! All while the little 4 year old pranced around dancing up and down the aisles-- which I can only surmise would be to a pedophiles delight, ugh....the flashbacks are the most painful part.
I wish you well on your venture, but I am scared for you my friend! Hope you don't EVER have an experience like mine ;).
P.s. I like where neuroses of this blog is going...let's just say I thought I was the only one.
There are so many things to say! Not the least of which is the fact that this further confirms for me that you & I were (1) separated at birth and (2) meant for one another!
I used to belong to Healthpoint in Waltham (Celtics training facility - I add this just to give those who aren't familiar, a little feel of the caliber of this particular gym...). The utter nastiness encountered in the locker room was beyond words. The whole nakedness thing was taken to a whole other level when you add the fact that those women had never heard of a razor, let alone a trimmer. For the love, child, keep it trim at a minimum! Horrifying.
Needless to say, I will join you at the gym ANY DAY to judge!
Let me start by saying my biggest fear at the gym is being spotted in any stage of undress by current or former students. (My second biggest fear is having to pee in a stall at school next to a student - b/c the locked teacher bathroom is in use and I have had to pee since the previous class began 90 minutes ago - and letting go a fart midstream.) Consequently, I arrive in exercise clothes and only change my shoes once I'm there because they have rules to not wear street shoes, and I leave immediately after and go home to shower.
I need to get back to some sort of exercise so I'm hoping you inspire me. Don't assume you have to be in a mood for dance to enjoy Zumba - it is complete escapist movement when you want it to be. But I would avoid dancing in a warm pool. I had to chuckle at that phrase because it reminds me of the times I have gone to a morning Zumba class and have to rush out to pee midway through class because we're jumping too much and my coffee is doing its coffee thing.
I am so pleased the Spew is back and that you continue to write so bravely.
Do NOT swear less, I fucking beg you!
I guess my introduction to group nudity was in high school-- alas, not at some party and not even in gym class after which nobody showered anyway, but in varsity wrestling, where you just couldn't go home smelling like *that*.
After that, Navy boot camp erased any sort of personal dignity. I could handle group showers, but never did reconcile myself to the long line of toilets without so much as a partition between. I used to ask the night watch to wake me 15 minutes before reveille so I could sit in relative peace. After a while you just get numb from it.
And I still haven't gotten used to my female doctor checking my prostate, not that I'd exactly prefer a male doing it.
Yoga has taught me how to be comfortable with my body. (No, I am not running around naked because when God gives you the ability to finally get that lean muscular body you always wanted he also gives you extra hair in all the wrong places. My last name is RODRIGUES people!!!) For most of my life I never even liked to take my shirt off. But when yoga came into play I slowly started to not care. Not because my body was in better shape, though, that doesn't hurt. It was mainly because I noticed how many other types of people didn't care. Fat ones. Hairy ones. Too skinny ones. Men with boobies ones. If they were comfortable why couldn't I be? And then one day it just happened. I did not care anymore (as much).
Now RI yoga is a little different then CA yoga. Don't get me wrong I sweat my ass of in RI yoga and it's wear I learned and felt comfortable enough to try headstands and all that other stuff I never thought possible. But it's a bit more uptight. Everyone comes with there perfect outfit and their perfect mat and there perfect mat towel cover thingy and they spray a little water on it as not to slip during the class (which sounds like an oxy-moron but it works). In CA they fucking throw an old towel they found on their dorm room floor on the ground and hope the smell of last nights date that's on it doesn't bother the 90 year old lady with saggy tits and no bra next to them.
Where am i going with this?????
So in every yoga class I take off my shirt because I sweat like a pig and I hate a sopping wet shirt on me while trying to focus. I would do this all the time when taking RI yoga class and I was the only one and sometimes the only guy. But never did I think anyone would care. This is yoga. We are a free and open people. Bullshit. They pulled me aside one day to say that some of the women were uncomfortable when the men took their shirts off. And I was offened. What?!?! You don't want me to take my shirt off?? I've worked this fucking hard and you don't want me to take my shirt off?? I'll show you!!! I'll come in here and have my sweaty balls swinging all over the place while I do some downward dog up in your nasty face. Tell me to put my shit on.......why IIIIIIIII otta!!
The point is Laura. One day. You too will take your shirt off and not care.
Now I need to meet Matthew Rodrigues.
Pahhaaa Matt you are a freakin riot!!! Laura I am so psyched that you had this to say. As your cousin I can tell that I NEVER go into the locker room for fear of this very sight. I am just not strong enough!!! I literally bring all my shit with me. And forget it. Only the strong can hang with Yoga. That ONE time I did a class I couldn't believe how had it was for me to balance my fat ass. And zumba? I am have NOT a single bone of coordination in my body. So keep me posted on that one. The people watching at the gym could be fun at times. However the fatty 65 year old man staring at me on the next machine gives me the RT's. Stop looking at me fella!!!
Love you to pieces and can't wait to read Volume Two on this matter!!!!
Love Ame
F'n hilarious....once, while in the locker room, I witnessed (from a mere 5 feet away) a woman blow drying her hair naked...she bent over so her hair was flopped over and she was blowdrying the under part of it. WHAT? Bent over nakedness? Horrific on every level.
I am with Mrs. H...please inspire us! You already did with your pant size yesterday (I went clothes shopping with Lola and she is a pant size I haven't seen since high school...I SHIT YOU NOT!). Inspiration has already begun, but I do look forward to continued discussion on the gym front.
I think when you have an old man start talking to you about the Patriots while he is naked as the proverbial jaybird and he is drying his loins using the 'floss' method of a towel between your legs, moving back and forth, and you see testicles moving like they were having their own little Zumba class, then you can get a true understanding of the horrors of which I have seen.
Is it an age thing? At some point do you just not care?
interesting spew laughed, shocked hit some of the nail on the head why should have to pay all these fees to try and get in better shape i work in a health club for i free membership to use fitness center but taking classes might be an expense. doing some working has made me look and feel better about myself and gotten more attention from men then i used too hope i can make the body last
Dan-the towell floss and the floppy balls...all so graphic, all so horrific...
Lor: a naked hug? that's just as egregious as it gets...
what is wrong with people?!
Yes those stories (resting on counter, hugs, flossing, bending over!!!) are highly disterbing...this blog w/comments has reached a new level ;) Too funny!
Last night at the gym I had an older gentlemen sit down next to me on the bench in a towel, but then he proceeded to put his leg on his knee giving me the "Basic Instinct" shot - much to my chagrin.
I don't know if I laughed harder at the actual blog or the comments on it! I too am amazed at the naked people. So often while putting my stuff in the locker the person next to me completely naked wants to start a conversation! I do not want to discuss the weather with you while you stand there naked!
I think if you keep going to the gym you will eventually feel like it is a second home, I used to go five days a week for years (I know, it has been a bad down hill since then) and my son just thought it was what you did after school, go to the babysitting room while your Mom works out. I called him my personal trainer because he would scream if I said I wanted to skip a day. So, keep going, the comfort level (despite the nakedness) will improve. And because my legs are not what they used to and I miss things like zumba so badly, I am so wishing they had aqua zumba at my gym!!
So glad to see you here again!
Wow hilarious comments. There are so many guys who use the gym as their private naked time. And you can tell they really enjoy it. They're so happy to be doing everything naked. At the Y there is a sink about ten feet from the exit. I still have the image of some guy with his foot up on the sink while he applied some type of cream to his asshole. I left pissed after that. Love the blog.
Martball----You are every bit a crunchy yoga person and I love you for it. You are my inspiration! Seriously. My hips and knees and back are all a mess so I'm hoping for some of the physical restoration that you have gotten. The naked people are lucky to have you.
Lor---Giiiirl, this cracked my shit up! "Sitting ass bare on this bench" was already such a gnarly thought. GNAR. LY! But hugging? I was laughing so hard reading that that Dan had to nose in to hear what was going on. Clothed hugging is bad enough (have we talked about how I think we are a culture of over-huggers?) never mind, saggy breast to saggy breast contact. I'm just so, so sorry that this image is stored in your brain. I'm so, so sorry. (And, once again, you are never the only one. We have each other...and BFIFM.)
BFIFM---Sometimes when I am writing, I am thinking of you and wondering if this will finally be the entry that offends you or makes you think that we weren't meant to be. (I wonder if I am pushing you away because I can't take the strength of the kind of love we share.) So, when I read your response, well, there was an audible exhale involved. I knew you'd understand...I just knew it. And you even went there first with the pubic pelt issue. Swooning, I am. Swooning.
Vicky---Oh, fuck. You always fucking come through when I fucking need you to. I was really feeling like a foul-mouthed fuck with some major fucking issues, and you reminded me that I just gotta be me. Just my fucking self. God fucking bless you. For the record, you were never one of the teachers whose names came up in the naked locker room conversations (other than in the fantasies Jill and I acted out...too far?) But... but the image of my friend reenacting the leg-up bend-over of one of these teachers (retired a while back), has never left me...and still make me laugh. I could have never peed with a teacher next to me...who knew that fear went both ways?
Rob---Forget Vietnam, I can’t believe you survived the trauma of having to shit in that scenario. No walls? None? I have literally had that nightmare. I have a whole new respect for you knowing that you tried to get there 15 minutes early. I never knew a man to attempt bathroom modesty (not that they’re exactly sharing their toilet neuroses with me) and I honor you for it. Dan tells me he’s had conversations in there, shitting-man to shitting-man (though there were walls...he’ll love that I’m sharing this), and I think that will be among our irreconcilable differences should we ever divorce.
Matthew---Re: Your smelly, sweaty balls in my face. First of all, yes please. Second, we’re adults...we’re adults and we’re still talking about the same shit we did when we were 15! It makes me believe that dreams come true, Mattie. It really does. Third, you are a beautiful man with a beautiful man body and a beautiful man face to distract from all that hair...unless you know what thighs look like in spandex, you cannot understand my plight. That said, you do inspire me. I want to do headstands! I’m sorry those people hurt you with their no shirt/no chakra policy.
Ame--- First of all, it’s okay that you couldn’t do yoga or zumba because you do the one thing I can’t even imagine being able to handle---running. That’s the kind of gym person you are, ame, a runner. That’s the biggest mystery to me of all. I don’t know how a person leaves her house, starts running and then keeps running. You are the stuff of myth. You don’t even need the gym, you’re a runner! You were going to do an effin’ marathon. (And I know the injury still bums you out, so sorry to bring it up.) My point is that YOU are one of THEM now, Amy. You really are.
Benny--- It’s really so wrong that a person wanted to be that thorough with her hair-drying as to do the head flip while naked. That story really sums up everything I’m talking about here. No, you don’t get to dry your hair like that. That’s really taking advantage of everyone’s goodwill. It’s one thing that you’re allowed to change in there---where, while TOTALLY WRONG, at least there is motive to your nudity. There’s no primping...NO PRIMPING! I’m outraged. (And hopefully this little segment will keep ME inspired because I haven’t exercised once since I wrote it...)
Danny--- Oh, honey, I can’t help but get a little heated when you bring up old man ball-flossing. Who taught you how to talk like that (and feel comfortable doing so in public forum?)? I have never loved you more than I do in this moment.
Anonymous---I have also questioned the concept of paying money for what ultimately boils down to something you hate. It doesn’t make much sense. But, if it makes you feel good, then I suppose that’s what you’re really paying for. Good work on your own workout regime! I hope you stick to it too!
Margaret---No, seriously, you just gave me insight into the whole aqua zumba thing (and aqua yoga for that matter). I’m sure the point is to offer another alternative to people with injuries; something that puts less stress on their joints. Honestly, thank you for clearing that up. I was really wondering what the point of it was. (And I have a knee thing going on myself so it may end up being exactly what I need.) What you were saying about your son getting you to go to the gym----that may be the smartest thing I’ve ever heard. I feel like that concept---you taking your kids to the gym after school---could be the basis of an article because what better way to get mom time and teach your kid good habits? I really think you’re onto something there. As far as me ever viewing the gym as a “second home”---I think not. (I’d like to believe you though.)
Anonymous #2---Shut UP! Applying asshole ointment in public! NO FUCKING WAY! And yet I know you couldn’t possibly make something like that up. You really just got my ire up. This is what happens when you allow public nakedness...first changing, then asshole aloe...the next thing you know they’re going to let women breastfeed in public! UGH! A slippery slope, my friend. (P.S. I totally loved you explaining the dudes as being so happy in their nakedness. The image of them all smiley and naked really made me laugh.)
This is the blog entry that keeps on giving...I keep checking these comments and have yet to be failed...I have left each and every day that I have checked back. Gawd love ya, Lo...and spew crew!
that's laughed...versus left...have anotha!
One of my best girlfriends read your blog here and told me to check it out because of a situation I had when I was in high school a few years back.
My freshman year of high school I joined the girls swim team at school. My math teacher that year was a former champion swimmer for her college swim team.
One day I was asking her questions related to technique and improving swimming speed. She then said that if I wanted, and if it was alright with my parents that she could take me to the Y some night and give me some pointers. I told her that I would like that, and that I was sure it would be alright with my parents.
She told me that she wanted to meet with one or both of my parents first, though. So she met with my mom, and my mom said that it was fine.
Now before I go on, I want to make clear that she was a married woman and I know that her intentions were completely innocent. She was NOT a sexual predator, and there was never anything remotely sexual that was ever said or done.
I hadn't given any thought at all ahead of time about the fact that we would be changing in and out of our swimsuits in front of each other in the locker room.
To be honest, she was a very pretty woman with an excellent figure, and very large busted.
So when we first went into the women's locker room at the Y on the first night that she was giving me swimming lessons we both started getting undressed. I quickly put on my swimsuit, but she was standing there nude fussing with the way she was hanging up her clothes in her locker. I didn't give it much though and I turned away until she had her swimsuit on. No big deal, really.
After we were all done swimming for the night we walked back into the women's locker room, and my teacher took off her swimsuit and hangs it on a hook near the showers. So we walk back to our lockers, me in my swimsuit and her buck naked. I figured we'd just dry off, get dressed, and then she'd go back and grab her swimsuit before we left. But as soon as she opened her locker she started getting out shampoo and a bottle of body-wash.
She asked me if I remembered to bring any body-wash or shampoo. I wasn't even planning on showering there, so I didn't have anything like that. So she said that it was OK, and that I could use some of hers. I guess she just automatically assumed that you do not shower off in your swimsuit, that you shower nude. The showers were 100% out in the open group showers like the ones at school. She told me to go take off my swimsuit and hang it on a hook, and that she'd be over to the showers in a minute.
Even though we weren't in school, I kind of felt like I should do what she said, plus i didn't want to seem like I was immature and couldn't handle nudity like an adult. So I did shower nude, too. but it was awkward the first time standing there, both of us buck naked, talking to each other while we showered.
After that I thought it would seem odd to her if I started showering in a swimsuit any of the other nights that she gave me lessons. So I always just showered nude after the lessons, and after a few times it was no longer awkward.
Anyway, one of my girlfriends likes to tease me every now and then about how I used to shower naked with a teacher. she read your blog and told me I had to check it out.
THis is a f'n riot :)
Benny---Glad you're getting some laughs and coming back for more with the comments. This one was really a group effort. (And your "have anotha" gave me a laugh too!)
Ashley---Whoa. I'm glad you clarified that your former teacher is not a predator but, um, whoa. I think your story covered all of my worst gym fears; naked teachers, naked showering, naked locker room chat. Indeed, that's the kind of story you think about for the rest of your life. Thanks for sharing and thanks to your friend for bringing you here. Welcome to The Spew!
Ellie---Glad you're still out there! I always love EB input!
No, my teacher never said or did anything improper in the locker room or anywhere else. She was one of the nicest teachers that I ever had.
I'm not really bothered by locker room nudity in general. We always showered in those group showers in gym class at my high school. So I was already used to showering in front of other females. It was only awkward for me with my teacher because she was my teacher. I got used to it after a few times anyway.
LMAO with the blog and all of these comments!!!
One of my "locker room moments" includes having all 3 girls with me after their swim class, staring (in the way that little kids do, with no regard to the fact that they should either be more discreet or just look away!) openly at this PERFECT woman applying lotion to her entire body while standing there in a red thong... So not only was I horrified at my kids, at her, at the questions I was going to have to answer later, but also undeniably in awe at the perfectness and complete lack of modesty!!! I just don't get how people do that!
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