I know I've been a deadbeat but I'm an hour and a half away from departing for a weekend in Connecticut (to be spent poolside with Dan's family) so I don't have time to make it up to you now. (Next time, I promise to show up with a stuffed animal of some sort.) In fact, once again, I'm supposed to be showering and instead I am here.
But, I just needed an outlet for the excitement I feel about Rosie and My Oprah pairing up for Rosie's new show.
I first heard the news from Mattie who left a message on my voicemail exclaiming, "The queens have come together in the night!"
Because I feel it in my bones that I am supposed to get a job writing for this show (which would give me a reason to move to NYC while simultaneously giving my life purpose) there's a good chance that I may start posting weekly letters to Rosie as part of a Make-Me-Your-Writer campaign. (Campaign name pending...I'm open to suggestions.) We'll see.
But I just needed to let out a little Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (that is really so hard to spell) before going on my way. Thanks for listening.
P.S. My apologies to my in-laws for being late...We hit terrible traffic.
Can you feel the shift in the air?!? NO MATTER HOW THEY ROLL THE DICE IT"S ME FOR YOU AND YOU FOR ME!
I feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down.
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