I just got all eh, what the fuck about it and armed with my computer printout of Bitchy MTV Girl, I headed for the salon and Lynn chopped the mane:

Whatever similarity was achieved that first day was washed down the drain with my shower the next. Unable to recreate the look, my eh, what the fuck thinking had turned to oh, what the fuck was I thinking?! Three days later, I'm still in haircut limbo and feel like I may look a little like Lord Farquaad. I know I love having less hair. And I love the little Donald Duck butt of a ponytail I have after showering. But I'm still working out how to do it myself which, unless Dan is going to give me a blow-out every morning, is pretty important. (I don't know if the fact that I passed up an easy blowjob joke for one about a cartoon ass means I'm growing or regressing.) The bottom line is that it's going to require---and I hate, hate, hate saying this---practice. If I want it to look like it did when Lynn did it, I'm going to have to arm and familiarize myself with her weaponry. The straightening iron will be my go-to gat. I'll have to invest in a good one because for the past couple of days I've been using one from the 80's (really) I found in a cabinet at my parents' house (thankfully I grabbed the straightener and not the crimper) and every time I've used it on the hair closest my face, my eyes burn like they're being exposed to some sort of chemical. This can't be good. Also, I'm supposed to be using a product called "defining whip" which, I learned the hard way, should be applied with some restraint if I don't want to look like I've been washing my hair in a McDonald's frialator.
But I did it. I manned up. And even if I look a little like Toad from Super Mario Brothers,

I'm glad my sack is in tact.
If not my pride.
Okay- I FRIGGIN LOVE the cut on you! And may I say..I think it looks cuter on you than Bitchy girl! That was just an idea of what you thought it would look like. Everyone's hair is different...I think it looks so sassy on you. OMG! I love it Lola..you hot mama!
Beth the Anonymous
p.s. What does Dan think of it?
You look awesome! Not at all like a douche! Love it!!
Love Love LOVE the new Bitch do! You are rockin' it, girl!
Love it!!! I know you can figure out how to blow it baby.
Jeez, you couldn't help but look good even on a bad day. So why stress?
Sometimes, though, being bald just makes it easier, not that I recommend it. . .
A-freakin-dorable. Love it!
Beth---Thanks, cuz! Can I tell you, you were so right about the straightening iron. I'm a convert though I need a recommendation for a cheap brand. Dan likes it, btw. It catches him off guard every time...in a good way, I think/hope.
Sassy---Thanks for the love and thanks for un-douching me. (Isn't douche such a satisfying slur?)
BFINM---20 years from now, I'm going to look back on pics of this cut and call it The Bitch because of you...see, we're already making memories.
Mattie---We may have to have an iChat instructional seminar re: the blowout.
Rob---I so, so, so wanted to shave the head in support of my mom (who hasn't lost her hair though if she does more chemo it's likely) and really because I've always wanted to do it, but GiG was opposed. Like, almost got mad at me opposed. No head-shaving on her watch!
VH---Thanks, lady! (And thanks for the push!) You always inspire me with the short 'dos.
Love the cut Laura! So CUTE :-)
Thanks, Al! So is this Hunt or Wessels? We're going to have to develop a system so I know. I've been trying to keep it general so as to not let on that I was unsure, but I think we need to clear it up! (My sense is that this one is Wessels...)
Love it! You look beautiful!
You look HOT! A straightening iron is a truly magnificent tool. But, yes, do get one from this decade.
Margaret---I was missing you around these parts! Thanks for coming home. And thanks for giving your okay on the haircut. When I saw Pete, he went, "You cut your hair off...aww." Thanks for having more of a heart than your brother! :)
Jarvino--- Wow, you think you know a person and then you find out she flat irons her hair. Is your name even really Jessica?
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