What I am about to tell you is a true story. The photos have not been doctored nor have names been changed to protect the innocent. (The innocent being Dan and me.)
Six months ago, out bathtub drain was clogged. Very, very clogged. I probably shouldn't be admitting/displaying this in a public forum, but after hours of plunging and snaking and pouring napalm down our drain, this was our white whale:

We've never been able to explain it and, as in those summer movies where a bunch of teenagers accidentally murder their peer and get rid of the body, we try not to talk about what happened that fateful day.
But neither of us will ever forget, particularly Dan, who loved the whole experience (and who will be so delighted that I finally put these pictures up...I had my reservations for obvious reasons).
The purpose of my bringing this up now, so far after the fact, is because as the drain has become increasingly slugglish lately, the situation more dire, there is a certain exigency surrounding the issue of a haircut. I cannot let this situation become another Hair Monster.
My hair is as long as it's been in a while. I've been keeping it this way mainly for one reason: People have told me to. In fact, when I've mentioned cutting it, all those to whom I am close (with the exception of Dan, who maintains a stubborn lack of opinion), have seemed almost disappointed by the idea, as if they personally don't want to return to the days of having to pretend I look okay with a shorter do. Matt actually told me that he would support me in the decision to cut my hair short, as if he's getting my back as I ready to tell my family about my new career as an adult film star.
But I can't take it anymore. I can't take the clogged drain or the nests that have become of my hairbrushes. More than anything, I can't take the shedding. After blowdrying, my bathroom floor looks as though someone's been shucking red-silked corn in there. I feel like I am picking hair off of me all day and I loathe the feel of a solitary strand sliding down my arm or stuck to my just-moisturized leg. Perhaps, most important, were I to kill someone, my DNA would be all over the crime scene.
I have long battled the issue of hair.
As a kid, I had such meltdowns when it came time to have my hair brushed that my mom did this to me:

Yup, that's a toolset I got for Christmas. The tendency towards such toys coupled with the haircut contributed to my being called "Larry" by my sisters and their friends. The childhood scars from that, resulted in this:

Since then, it's been a series of growing out and cutting back but in recent history the longest it's been is just about to my shoulders. But now it's well past that and stretching like the locks of a witch down my back. It has to end now. I may even pull a Britney and have someone just shave it all off. I've always wanted to do this but just haven't had the sack required for such a bold move. I've offered to do it as a show of solidarity if my mom were to lose her hair with the chemo, but she is adamantly opposed. Apparently she takes a mother's pride in her girls' hair. I can't very well get rebellious on her now, can I?
So, I'm trying to decide what the next look will be and how short I should go. Understanding quite fully that no matter the haircut (or the plastic surgery) I will never look like the women in these photographs, I submit the following for your opinion. (I also understand that while my hairdresser Lynn, whom I adore and schlep to RI to see, may be able to recreate such a look, I will under no circumstances be able to do it myself at home.) Still, I'd like your two cents. Here's what I'm looking at so far:

And because I'm stuck in the 90's and this is still one of my favorite shows:

And her rival for Dawson's affection:

I want to try something new with my hair, just as I want to try something new with this blog. If all goes well, there should be a little poll at the top left of the screen where you can vote on which hairstyle you think I should go for. You can choose more than one selection if you really need to and since my appointment is scheduled for August 19th, we'll close the polls at midnight the night before. (Also, if you're one of those people who can figure out cookies or any of that other computer crappola, you can probably vote more than once.) I can't guarantee that I'll go with the winner but I'll certainly think about it when I disregard your opinion.
So, let's give this a shot. Who knows, this could be a new trick I'll employ when faced with terrible indecision. Other such polls could include: Should Dan and I have kids? Am I too old for Zac Efron? And, of course, Where should I bury my neighbor's body?
So, get voting! Or comment here! Just don't tell me to keep my hair long for the sake of my femininity or I'll harpoon yo ass.
Ok, so I have to comment! I am addicted to your blog. I have been checking every day (ok, several times a day on some days) for the latest post and I am never disappointed. You are brilliant!!! Hope all is well with you and DanO. Thanks for being a part of my day :)
I am with Anonymous on this one - frequent checks for new posts - totally addicted. And "exigency"? Wowza!
Bitchy girl is my top vote. Love the Joey #2 but when you stop and think about whether you can make it look like that the next days, sans stylist (is that Sydney's btw?), bitchy girl is more realistic. I am all about whatever YOU want for YOUR hair. I cut mine early this summer and FINALLY got a cut that does not require blow-drying but does require two products. I can just wet it quickly and restore the look - no more mandatory daily shampooing to make it look okay. It's sort of Rachel Maddow-esque although that wasn't what I going for originally (but now enjoy since I'll never look like Melissa Harris-Lacewell, who also has awesome hair - check out her do that radiates smartitude). Actually Stephanie cut it a little more than I had anticipated and I could now kiss her for it. I have actually been toying with coloring it that gorgeous, yet totally fake, Euro-burgundy red. The downside to that is that the roots would show super quick. Enjoy the decision process.
Someone once said that a woman's hair is her "crowning glory". I think they said it about Marie Antoinette and we remember her last haircut, don't we.
Richard Pryor had a unique way of dealing with his hair, didn't he?
I personally like the "Don King" but the "Tiny Tim" is a close second. For women, it's a tossup between the bluish-white q-tip and the Rosannadanna.
Actually, I recommend the K.I.S.S. do (not the rock group).
The less time you have to deal with your hair, the more time you have to concentrate on the more important things like your complexion, thighs, waistline and small bits lodged in your nostrils, bellybutton and between your toes.
Tamster---I didn't know you were reading! Thanks for your kind words and for reading along and supporting the Spew! Love that you're here!
And Tamster and VH---I have to say you guys both delivered some much needed reassurance on a weak day. After I finished this one, I went on a walk and had a total "That entry sucked. Really, you're having people vote on your haircut? WTF is wrong with you? I need to quit blogging." moment. I was really down. And then when I came home and saw your comments about checking in, it gave me such a lift. Some days I don't know what the heck I'm doing here (or why) but if you two---two of my all-time favorite people on the planet---are enjoying it, then I'm sticking with it. Thank you both.
And VH---I laughed that you commented on "exigency" because it's a word that floats around in my brain all the time in all my little narratives to myself (read: crazy talk) but I've never really put it down on paper because I've not been sure that I'm using it properly. It was the word that came to me here, but did it look okay to you? I mean, I realize it's a little much to say that the circumstances surrounding my needing a haircut are exigent (eh?), but grammatically?
And I dig your summer do and would totally support you if you go "Euro-red" (which is a term I love and may steal). You always look hot with the short do. I love the Rachel Maddow and wish I had the sack (and also actually wish I could pull off Lannie's long bang short do which is perfect for her). Checked out Melissa Harris-Lacewell (one with bangs, one w/out) and liked both. I agree that Joey Potter #2 is a fantasy that could not be maintained. The key to Bitchy Girl would be keeping it straight so that it doesn't curl under and do a Lord Farquaad. I think that would require product and perhaps a bit of sticky feeling at the end of the day, but it might be worth it. Not a lot of people I can talk hair with like this...thanks for getting it. Oh, and Lynn worked for years at Revive but moved in the past year to Hair, Heart and Soul in Bristol. I trust her implicitly (and even got a trim on my wedding day). You seem happy with Stephanie but if you ever need a switch, I'll shoot you her digits.
Really Anonymous--- Your response cracked me up. If I ever start all over, I may go the complete Richard Pryor route...everyone should try that haircut at least once in a lifetime, I think. And I looked up Tiny Tim and wasn't sure if you meant Dickens' shaggy little fella or the ukulele player who was a little scary-looking (though not all that different from morning Lola). Thanks for all the suggestions. :)
Also, any time spent focusing on the small bits lodged in my nostrils is time well-spent. I think people really need to be more mindful of their boogers (on the whole...).
Well I was so excited when I saw we really got to vote..I thought you were only joking. I love it! I voted (or should I not say? Is this a secret? Forget it..I'm telling because I've never been great with a secret.) for the bitchy girl because it is so cool & looks easy enough to pull off. My suggestions would be only one straightening product & a flat iron. Don't have one? Do yourself the biggest favor & get one..I don't know how I've lived my whole life with this mop without one.
Anyway, enjoy whatever you do & please post a photo of you & the winning do.
Always sending love,
Beth the Anonymous xoxo
Bitchy do all the way babe. Not only is it cute, but the name ALONE speaks to me! Anything that involves a little bitch is the way to go for me. Ok, ok, the cute is very sassy and I love sassy as well.
You crack me up, bitch! :)
BFYNM - you know who I am.
BTW - whatever that was in the drain was not ok. You must move out of that place at once. That was not a fur ball.
this whole entry is hilarious...
Lo...stop in your tracks and don't, for a second, consider ceasing to blog...not when you deliver the laugh I just had when reading this whole thing...tears in the eyes-I need to blow my nows kind of laugh...so, no, the show must go on! You are a brilliant write and I love your blogs...so do all my fellow readers and commenters!
ps...Janet, you crack my ass up!
Beth---I really think you are right on about the flattening iron and I'm sincerely grateful that you pointed this out. I think that will be the key. I've never possessed a tool other than my blowdryer but maybe it's time for me to branch out and bring in the big guns. You're saving lives.
BFINM--- I'm only telling you this: I changed the resolution of the picture of that creature that came out of my tub because I didn't want anyone to be able to examine it too closely because it was really much nastier up close. It looked like a piece of a tire almost but (and I bow my head in shame here), I'm pretty sure it was made up red hair. I birthed that thing! So very disturbing. Don't tell anyone...this will cement our friendship. LYLAS (love ya like a sis), BFYNM
Benny---Thanks for the cheerleading. (Apparently, I need that kind of validation.) There really is no better feeling than someone saying they laughed 'til they cried reading my stuff (nose-blowing and all---bliss!) so, THANK YOU! I guess I won't be hanging up my keyboard just yet. I was really feel doubtful about things, so thanks for me keeping on track on that front! Plenty of haircuts and other such inconsequential nothing to fuel this fire!
I too have had the hair battles. Long, short, pixie... one horrible incident where I actually SHAVED the underside of my hair with a tight-curled spiral perm on top... (not the highlight of my femininity, I can tell you!) But after also having to call a plumber in Salt Lake City for a clog we couldn't undo, I admit I'm leaning toward a haircut once again!
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