So, I wanted to be sure to fill you on things since obviously there was a lot at stake today.
Good news. I napped.
I kid. But I am only able to kid because we were actually granted good news on the front of GiG. vs. Cancer.
The PET Scan today showed that the tumor in my mom's lung, as well as those in her adrenal glands, have shrunk. Also, there did not seem to be any spread. Good news, indeed. Good, good news.
The intensity of the day coupled with the severe sleep deprivation took its toll on me and there is currently a statewide search for what witnesses describe as a weeping zombie browsing the flat irons at Rite Aid.
For a minute, things looked ugly. My dad had to take my mom to the ER this morning due to severe pain she was experiencing overnight. Unsure how long she would need to stay at the hospital and with my dad having to go to work and my sisters otherwise tied up, there was a brief period of meltdown and panic as I packed up my bags and car and wondered how I was possibly going to stay awake for the drive to RI. Save a 40-minute snooze in the late morning, I had been up straight since 1:15am and by noon my hands were trembling. Fortunately my mom was released, though the cause of the the pain is still a mystery (foreshadowing?) and she is home and safe with smaller tumors inside her than she had before.
Because of the chaos of the ER visit, I don't know much more than this. I don't know how much shrinkage occurred. I don't even know how my mom was affected by the news as I only spoke to her briefly and she was out of it due to the medicine they gave her for the pain. "I skipped drinking," she slurred. "I went right to the drugs." (This, from a woman so resistant to taking medicine that we could not convince her to take even one Vicodin for her pain since her doctor gave her the prescription six months ago.)
But it appears she is responding to the treatment, words I've been waiting to write. Between having surgery taken off the table, the two hospitalizations, the lung inflammation caused from being over-radiated and the early spread of the cancer to her other adrenal gland (it started off just in her left and moved to the right), we had not yet had this moment. We had not yet received any good news.
Tonight, Dan asked me how it felt and while, of course, I am incredibly relieved that the cancer has not progressed, I'm working to allow this victory to penetrate. I am worried about her pain today. Also, they want to start chemo again on Friday. Apparently, the tumor in her lung appears to still be "active" so they want start the treatment immediately. The fact that her adrenal tumors shrank during radiation, which was directed solely at her lung, led her doctor to conclude that the small amount of Taxol (a chemo drug) she received weekly with the radiation (an amount intended only to enhance the radiation versus working systemically as regular chemo doses do) is the drug to which my mom is responding. They hadn't expected her adrenal tumors to shrink at all and the fact that they did (and, of course, that the lung tumor did as well) is apparently really encouraging to her oncologist who wants to act aggressively as a result.
I want to get behind this plan and I absolutely will if it's what my mom wants. It's just hard to see how much better she has felt lately, having had a month and a half off from any treatment, and then ready myself to watch her get weakened and sick again. This is a typical dilemma of chemo though nothing feels typical when it regards a person you love.
Still, my mom's tumors shrank. There is less cancer in her body than there was before. It's important that I allow the good news to have this night.
Then maybe I'll be able to get some sleep.
(Not leaving it to chance though. My word, it's nearly Ambien o'clock.)
(Like mother, like daughter.)
Definitely NOT shitty news!
I had to check in tonight to see if you had heard anything, been on my mind today! Great news, so happy for you all!
xo Bec's friend Nancy
Wow, thanks for being such a love and checking on my mom, Nancy! Means a lot to know people are really pulling for her. So sweet of you to write. Thanks from the whole gang. In other news, I think we need to figure out a Spew nickname for you since Sassy and BFYNM have theirs. I'll think on it a bit...let me know if you come up with anything. :)
Today's word verification word: ferillys. Use it in a sentence - My mom got some good news today, ferillys! Such great news - was hoping you had posted something overnight and checked first thing this morning. I loved the line about the zombie near the flat irons.
YAY! Great to hear the good news....still pulling for Gig and thinking about her all the time. Love to the fam from me :-)
I feel like we won the superbowl! I've been on a high since I heard the good news. It was TIME for good news!
I know it's hard to think of your Mom or anyone you love go through such pain & discomfort but it must feel different knowing going into it..it's worth it. It's working.
Prayers have been answered~I don't mean to get churchy on you but..I believe! I love all of you!
Beth the Anonymous
VH----Ferrilys, indeed! Other uses of the word: Ew, get all those dirty little ferrilys away from me! (Spelling is off, I know.) There's a Will Ferrell joke in there, too, I'm sure. Anyway, thanks for checking in!
Al---Thanks! (I've decided it's Wessels...I don't think you check back on my love notes here, but I've decided it's Wessels, not Hunt.) Will pass your love on to GiG.
Beth---I know, you're right, celebrate the victory. I suppose I got a little gun shy about getting overly hopeful with all that's gone down; but why not allow hope to take a front seat again? Something good happened, I need to sit with that too. And you don't sound overly churchy (which is a word I love), I think all the good vibes and positivity being sent to GiG definitely have a role in her well-being and health. I guess I'm just sorting it all out. Anyway, keep celebrating the superbowl!
Beyond thrilled with the news!
Lola, I am telling you that you are thinking more and more like a nurse everyday with this experience.
I loved that she called me to read me the report because sometimes when my mother gives me info it is like playing telephone. The numbers sound so much better.She said she will really feel good when the report states:no cancer detected.
It makes me happy now she can see feeling as shitty as she has is worth it in the long run.
Okay,now, despite the fact there will be a new little Vidotto around~I can help in anyway!!!
Get some goos rest young lady. Love yah
Jen---First off, I'm glad GiG read you the report because I have no idea of any of the numbers...I suppose smaller is smaller. And you're right, it makes all the suffering thus far worth it, I guess.
I have to say, since starting my research and spending the time I have in hospitals, I have gotten really fascinated by all of it (and fell even further in love with nurses than I already way...you people are the best.) But, I told my mom that I want nothing to do with other people's shit (like actual feces) and she was all, "Then don't bother becoming a nurse because at some point you'll be dealing with it." Decision. Made. Plus, I like the role as interpretor/writer better.
Now, let's get that baby out of you and celebrate some more good news! Can't wait to meet her!
You're right...it's Wessels!
This is the best news I've had in a long, long time, as good as when my son came home from Afghanistan in one piece. All the best to Gig, Barry, and all the Mellow girls. Most of all to GiG, of course!
Great News!!
Al: I knew it! The smiley faces did it...:)
Rob: I know, right? Good stuff. Will pass your best onto my mom for sure. (And will also keep you posted.)
Mart---Again, love that you're on here. Roots!
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