Setting: January 4, 2010 A back-to-work vim pulsates through the Spoffice air
Let's be honest, today---the first Monday of 2010---is the real start of the year. Nobody's starting any healthy habits or making positive changes on a Friday, New Year's Day or not. Any "bad" behavior you engaged in over the weekend---chain-smoking, eating a bag of marshmallows, beating your kids---is okay; as long as you start fresh today. If you mess up today though, you're fucked for the whole decade as far as I'm concerned. (Author's Note: Thus, last night's tantrum.)
It was this logic that got me up and exercising at 6am and showered, dressed and writing by 7:30. Of all of that, it's the getting dressed part I'm most proud of. Visit me at 12:30pm on a Tuesday and chances are I'll be at my desk in my jammies. I know getting dressed every day isn't the loftiest of New Year's resolutions, but it's a start.
I actually have quite a few resolutions for the year; for the entire '10s, in fact. (TBA; I'm narrowing...) And, yeah, saying "the '10s" feels as awkward as I thought it would. I truly have monster plans for the next ten years---articles, books, a snuff screenplay--- and if I want to stick to my plan of owning Oprah (or at least Gayle) by the decade's end, I have to get to work.
So the weekend was spent trying to get my life in complete order. (And also watching the third season of Dexter which was killer (ha!)and the first season of United States of Tara which is a de-fucking-lightful show and sort of makes me wish I had Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as MPD). Do you watch? Who's your favorite "alter"? Mine's Buck. After finishing the first season of Nurse Jackie a while back during a bender at my sister's house I was left depressed and grieving its end. Tara showed me I can love again...I will have to devote a whole entry to the show's creator Diablo Cody---who also wrote the screenplay for Juno--- and how I want to be her.)
It really was a productive weekend of new decade preparation and I've got the pictures to prove it.

Tote-al heaven. Does anyone else get a hard-on for office supplies? Forget flowers and oysters; Dan need only come home with manila folders, metal mail sorters and plastic filing units for me to want to jump his bones. (This is how I plan to clean up the mess on the bed...that's what she said.)
So, though the job remains unfinished and my totes seem empty, they are filled with the promise of an ordered and productive 2010.

The Bookish
I'll keep you posted on any progress...pun very much intended.
Ever since I saw you desk in person I've wanted one of my own. That is my first order of business when I go back to LA LA California.
Good plan, Mattie. (Though if you stayed here I would let you share my desk.) You have a job---the desk makes it real.
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