I usually put my cell phone in a pocket of my pants or sweaters. Inevitably, it ends up taking a loud fall onto the hardwood floor and I end up telling myself that I really should stop putting my phone in my pocket. This happens often.
And today my inability to adjust my behavior accordingly in such situations, has landed me in the crapper...literally.
This afternoon, from out of the pocket of my gray sweatshirt plummeted my cell phone...into the toilet...after I peed...before I flushed.
And I ask you, what choice did I have but to go in there after it? If I can’t flush a tampon, I certainly can’t flush a flip phone. (Though I thought about it for a second.) I retrieved it (and then scalded it and me with burning hot water.)
Because we don’t have a home line I had no choice but to reach out and cyber-touch someone.
From: Lola
Dan, I dropped my phone in the toilet...with pee in there. FUUUUCK! I fished it out but it doesn't work so I am without communication means other than e-mail. We're really going to have to work this out...
(I'm already over being mad about it because it will make for such great blogging.)
Can you believe this?
From: Dan
Lola, Lola, Lola.
You can drop your phone in rice and that should help absorb the moisture (although it will still be pissy).
From: Lola
Does that really work? I rinsed it off...
You're my hero.
From: Dan
It should help.
At least you have already written your blog (in which you can add that I learned the rice trick from a soap opera).
From: Lola
Should I use risotto or brown rice?
Then I spent a larger portion of the day than I would have liked researching phones and schlepping out in the snow twice to the phone store in town. (After my first visit I told Suzanne I would call her to let her know if I needed something ordered...only later did I realize that I didn’t have a phone on which to call her.) I have a loaner phone right now but I plan on taking the new-phone plunge on Thursday.
I’m deciding between two phones:
The Pantech Impact (In blue.)
The Motorola Karma (Which I’m leaning towards for reasons other than the fact that I like its name...It's such a little fattie!)
Vote, would ya?
I vote for Karma, as always. But I highly suggest buying a rubber/plastic casing for the outside and perhaps a fanny pack with a zipper so you can take it to the lavatory and secure it before doing your business.
Thanks for not flushing it.
Laura, I love that you made the most out of dropping your precious tool of communication into the nastiest of locations! It is with this great attitude and sense of humor (from Daniel my brother as well) that you guys will have a fun existence! I know I am rambling but seriously, your emails back and forth made me smile and audibly chuckle :o) This is truly how to make an unfortunate situation rosy! With that being said, I don't think that I will ever borrow your cell ;o)
Danny---Had the scenario been "different" I might have flushed.
Katjak---This comment cracked me up. Love how you wrapped it up with the not borrowing my phone bit. If I had those wipes that you're going to invent, perhaps it could have been salvageable. Thanks for the positivity! If you can't laugh at something falling in the toilet, then what can you? (I also thought about Haiti and was like---it's just a phone.)
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