This is how this post was supposed to start:
A cozy winter’s night: Here I sit at my writing table with a mug of green tea, a small honey bear squeeze of sweetness to it. Tina Turner’s greatest hits plays, her strong and gravelly voice pumping soulful energy into the room and I am writing by the light of my Zadro Sunlight 365, a contraption which promises 10,000 LUX of “Artificial Sunlight 365 Days a Year."
Then I was going to go into how I taped the iPod-sized gadget to the wall and how it is casting its blue glow down on me as I write and how it all feels very X-Files-y.
Instead it will start like this:
Little mother fucker didn’t work.
It turned on for a second and then nothing. Temper-fucking-tantrum-time. (Hey, I'm not using this thing 'cuz I'm such a stable person.) My frustration morphed into rage so quickly that I actually punched the dainty little four-inch piece of crap. I’ve also been known to throw an occasional punch at my laptop screen when it’s running so slowly that I could walk to the fucking library and take out 10 books on the subject I’m trying to Google before the goddamned page loads. I’m not proud of the fact that I fist fight with technology but until I hear of a support group for such a problem (You hear me, Oprah?), I’m going to declare myself the founder of a new trendy version of rage display…like Fight Club or wife beating.
I shouldn’t be making a joke like that…the fact that my Zadro failed me is really no laughing matter. (Doesn’t Zadro sound like that Genie from Big or the name of a Harry Potter themed vibrator---Would it be shaped like a broom or a wand?)
I’ve toyed with the idea of getting one of these therapeutic light boxes (resisting huge urge to make box joke) for a while. Seasonal Affective Disorder kicks my ass around this time every year. SAD is far too irritating and cutesy to describe its mass of cranky, dry-knuckled sufferers. I’d much prefer ASS---Another Snow, Sucka! (Runners up for that joke included DICK Dreary Ice Cicle (weather) Kills and FUCK Frozen Us Can’t Kope but they both felt like a stretch.)
So, SAD---it’s real. I should be spending these months in a cave somewhere. I don’t necessarily get depressed and, in fact, am not depressed right now, but it zaps me of energy such that 7pm starts seeming like a reasonable bedtime. (Battling fatigue is a war I’ve been waging for a couple of years now. I’ll devote another entry to how I arrived at my no-gluten lifestyle as a result of this after blaming everything from birth control-induced menopause to poor “sleep hygiene”---which means bad sleeping habits, not that my pillow is a lice hotel. I also had a secret theory that it was lymphoma but Dan just laughed at that.)
The cold weather doesn’t make me that grouchy (though when I came in last night I did say to Dan, “It’s so cold out, I could cut a bitch”) but the lack of sun and daylight hours shuts me down. I once heard someone refer to it as her “winter slip” which sounds like someone’s annual tradition of sleeping with a co-worker after the company Christmas party.
So, on Monday night when I got home at 5:30 and wanted to drop my coat and immediately crawl into bed, I knew I had to do something. I spent a couple of hours playing on the computer, staring out blankly into the nothingness and researching light boxes (still resisting…). Putting a sun in my living room is pricey---at least $200 for a good one—which is a high price to pay since I’m not sure if it will work. (Plus, I’m considering investing in a dawn simulator. It’s an alarm clock/light unit that’s set up so that a bright light turns on gradually---starting at 5am if you want to wake up at 6am, for instance---so that you’re waking up naturally to a simulated sunrise. People have noted mood improvements and less fatigue as a result of waking up “naturally” like this. Makes sense, right?) So, I opted for the $40 Zadro because most of the reviews said that it was just as effective as the larger units and I thought it was a good place to start. I even chose two-day delivery---that’s the kind of desperate I’m talking. I’ve been tracking the package since it left the warehouse yesterday and I ran outside coatless to grab the box after the UPS guy dropped it late this afternoon.
Then I broke out the laptop, made my tea, turned on some Tina and was ready to get a good hour of artificial light. I plugged it in---nearly blinded myself despite all the warnings to not look directly at it while turning it on---and now we’re back to the beginning, aren’t we?
Little mother fucker didn’t work.
I’m not sure if I’m going to exchange it, go for a better one, or even buy the dawn simulator instead. (The struggle there is Dan; he might enjoy the sun rising precisely when it does.) Still, it’s a bummer. I had high hopes for the Zadro.
One gushing woman even said it helped her so much that she nicknamed it the “magic box”---which, coincidentally, was my nickname in high school. (Fresh out of restraint.)
P.S. Dan’s trying to bring “that was my nickname in high school” back to “that’s what she said” popularity. I’m doing my part.
At least you got some funny for the rest of us out of the experience. I like FUCK as the new acronym, personally. Then when I say it, it's both an expletive and an explanation. My ass has been dragging all week, despite noticing that the sun is setting a little later and that it's not so depressingly dark when I head off to work just in time to be slightly late - FUCK! So maybe it's SAD? Last week at work I was pumped, had my new attitude for the new year, and despite a stack of research papers, I had a good week. This week - FUCK! All I want to do is sit on the couch with a heating pad on my back (it's much better - the heat is just b/c it feels so damn good) and knit. Oh, and sip a little vino, that's nice, too. And then by 8:30 head to bed to read with an extra blanket on the top of all the rest of the covers. Yeah, FUCK.
SAD is real! Years ago a doctor told me (not sure they would suggest the same thing these days) to go to a tanning booth for ten minutes a few times a week, and it actually works. Some winters are worse than others, this one I haven't had a problem with yet, but ask me again near the end of February. Sounds like you and I are very similar with our technology tantrums, I haven't punched anything but I do see my husband look at me in shock as I act worse than my seven year old because my computer won't move fast enough :)
I hope I didn't give the impression I don't think SAD is real! Mine usually gets no worse than the winter blahs/blues, but I definitely start jonesing for sunshine right about this time every year. Mine doesn't quite reach the 'disorder' level, but I do know it's a real thing.
VH---You are one of the most sensitive and empathetic people I know. I know (and I'm sure Margaret knows) that you weren't implying that SAD isn't real. No worries on that front. And, yeah, this season sucks for everyone at some point. I like your usage of FUCK. Feel free to spread it.
I can't remember the exact science of it, but my therapist was telling me that people who have dealt with depression are prone to SAD because of our serotonin levels (??? I think that's what she said) already being low. At the start of the season I was having a run-in with my old friend----3am insomnia---and this had something to do with it, too. The levels are off, the body is trying to adapt---something like that. This is so vague and probably incorrect so I'll try to get the facts.
Margaret---I was told to try the tanning booths, too! I can't do it though because of all the risks and the fact that I burn so easily (plus claustrophobia and an even bigger fear of lying in someone else's ass sweat). The fact that it helped you though makes me think about a little more.
I'm glad to hear you're a techno-tantrum type (there's the name of our syndrome). I don't get road rage (anymore) but alone in my living room I get crazy. Seeing it in print that I punch machines made me feel a little unwell though. Let me know if you ever cross that threshold because I'm hoping for company.
With this recent subject along with the desire to restart my yoga practice on at least some level, I just combined the two. For the first time in a long time, I meditated. Set a timer for 15 minutes, pushed up the sleeves on my sweater, and just perched on the edge of the coffee table in full sun. The sunshine on my eyelids made some beautiful colors to focus on while i grooved on some ocean breath. It wasn't a totally quiet mind sort of meditation, mine is filled with a whole jungle full of monkeys, but I dedicated it to those in the world who did not have those 15 peaceful moments and kept bringing myself back to the thought that at that moment, I was okay, I was safe, life was calm. That's all we get anyway, is a series of moments. By the end I admit I was wondering how much time was left, and the thought of perhaps going to Starbucks to have a cuppa and read a biography on Virginia Woolf kept sneaking in. But it was okay; it was lovely. (I think your basic take on the serotonin thing is correct. It's such a delicate balance, isn't it?)
VH---Love that you dedicated your 15 minutes to those who don't have them. I never understood what people meant when they talked about gratitude as a way to peace---but your looking at your 15 minutes that way explains it.
The sun on your eyelids---ahh, love it. I did that yesterday morning, too.
How do you do with the timer? I used to try to set the timer for meditation but when the bell rang it would shake me so much that all the peace I had just acquired dissipated. (But thinking about the time can feed the jungle monkeys, right?)
Did the sun help throughout the day?
Just reading this, I really didn't think you were saying it wasn't real, Talk2mrsh, I just reread my comments and could see how it looks like that. Sorry for the confusion.
Yes, the tanning bed did help, I was told I could actually leave the top up and get the same results, I too burn easily so I didn't do it for long at all, but it got me through some tough spots. Maybe bringing your own clorox wipes to wipe it down first will help with the ass sweat phobia (I am laughing just typing that) I haven't had to use it in several years. It never hits me until February so I don't want to speak too soon!
Margaret---I laughed thinking of you laughing while writing about ass sweat.
Maybe I'll try the tanning bed route...haven't ordered a new light yet.
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