Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tonight's dinner

Fuh real.

Dan made up this little plate for me to enjoy while wrapping (which apparently became blogging). I bet you're wondering, "Hey, Lola, what's in the bowl?" And I shall tell you---it's cookie cereal. Or cookie soup. Whichever name you prefer. We took a bag of all our treats from the cookie swap last week to the Cape to enjoy in our room (because what's a romantic getaway without cookies to gorge on?) and they got crushed amidst our purchases on the ride home. "Don't throw them away," I said calmly (or maybe screamed), "We can add milk and eat it with a spoon. It will be fun!" And fun it was. And tasty. And I feel pretty brilliant. Win, win, win.

In other news:

I'm posting the following picture because the whole scenario made me laugh. The other day after enjoying a breakfast of steak fajitas (yup) (and, no, I'm not pregnant---I just eat like this), Dan alerted me to the fact that I had food in my teeth. (We all know I'm a sexpot.) I handled it as best I could without having to go to all the trouble of flossing and used my tongue to work it out. Then I got in the shower. When I stepped out (and wrapped myself in a towel, so we're clear) this is what was on the bathroom mirror.

He does this kind of shit every day:

I fell to the floor laughing. I so look forward to Dan making me laugh like this when we're cute old people.

Until then---we're still at war.

The Battle of the Christmas Cards score is as follows:

Dan: 10

Lola: 31

I almost feel bad now. Except I love it. Except I feel bad. Except I don't.

We've decided the contest will go until January 1st to give people plenty of time to get their cards out (and send me oodles). I'll give you the highlights then (or sooner if I feel like it) but I'm psyched to report that some people---Spew Crewer Sassy and good friend and "Punkin Chunkin" champion Buffster McDavey--- have sent multiple (four apiece!) cards. Sassy sent a leftover card from 2007 featuring a picture of only two of her daughters because the third hadn't been born yet! And two of Buffster's cards were ones that she received and then slapped my name on so I now have season's greetings from "The Flemings" and "Ken" (which also made me hit the floor laughing).

This has brought much joy to the season. Despite getting trounched (and let's hope for no Hail Marys), even Dan is enjoying it.

Which makes me feel bad.

Except it doesn't.

I'm sure it's just another thing we'll laugh about when we're cute old people.


becky.breslin said...

This entry made me crack the hell up.... dan and the post -its are the best!

Anonymous said...

Jesus, the similarities continue...only this time between Dan & my Father.

My Dad used to (pretty sure still does) hang post-it notes on light switches ("TURN OFF"), on the thermostat ("TURN DOWN BEFORE LEAVING"), on our curling irons ("UNPLUG OR YOU LOSE IT"), on the front door "DID YOU TURN OFF LIGHTS, TURN DOWN HEAT & UNPLUG CURLING IRON?") Shit you not. And, yes, he's an engineer, so it was always all caps.

When can I come over for dinner? Screw the red pots, I want cookie soup!

Sistah from anothah Muthah
(I know you know who I am.)

ellieb said...

Ahahaha! So freakin' funny!

Allison said...

I love you (and Dan too). So funny...made me laugh out loud at work when I really should be working.....like, REALLY should be working!!

Buffalo's Stance said...

I would really like to see a TV show with you two as the stars. It would make me very happy. I think it would be up there with Modern Family. Oh and I would like a cameo.