Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Name is Lola and I Beat my Husband

I punched Dan in my sleep the other night. Like, a real punch. I know how to punch. I’ve never actually used this skill for anything other than dead-arms but I can duck and jab in a pinch. When I was a kid, my dad taught me how to extend just so from my bicep to snap a real punch. It’s not as exaggerated and sweeping as it looks in movies, a real punch. It is quick and hard. And a real punch is what I gave Dan. With my right hand. On which sits an awfully spiky ring---my mom’s engagement ring which has three protruding tines that could cut a bitch. And it hurt him. And it hurt me. The ring, not the punch. A proper punch should not inflict pain on the puncher though, as I said, I’ve never thrown a battle punch and imagine that connecting with a face---no matter how precise you land it in order to break the punchee’s nose (also proper technique)---would hurt your damn hand.

The worst part is that I was dreaming about punching Dan as opposed to some hulking dream bully---so it didn’t feel entirely innocent. In fact, as I punched him---I awoke mid-punch---I apologized, knowing exactly what I had done because I was dreaming about doing it. (Actually, in my dream I had thrown a few frustrating hits that got me nowhere, which is what I think led me to reach across my own body to connect with his arm as he slept peacefully to my left.) Normally there’s some lag time between whatever slumber crime I am committing and my realization that I am doing so. Dan has had to wake me before. I yell a lot. I get in big fights with whomever I am too scared to confront in real life (where I am so articulate and quick-tongued that So And So better watch it!). Sometimes I am defending and covering myself. Sometimes I cry. Rarely do I punch. Though, while I can’t remember the details, I know have done it before.

I’m not proud of it (but Dan and I have always been mildly amused by my antics.)

Now, it’s possible that I went to bed mad despite that stupid adage which warns against doing so. Gasp! Going to bed mad! What’s next, heavy sighing? Resentfully stomping around the house, making as much noise as possible while hanging up Dan's coat, putting away his shoes and picking his pants up off the bedroom floor because apparently HITTING THE FUCKING HAMPER TWO FEET AWAY IS FAR TOO LABORIOUS! So, yes, it’s possible I went to bed mad about some mundanity that pissed me off just enough to require my sleeping it off versus arguing. In fact, I know I did. I don’t think this is a recipe for disaster. I’ve fallen asleep mid-fight before as has Dan (can you imagine how much that pissed me off!) and that doesn’t seem like a better alternative to having a little anger in your heart upon falling asleep.

Was I mad enough on this particular night to hit him? No. Was I frustrated enough to shake him? Yes. But I wouldn’t and didn’t. Although Slumber Lola apparently couldn’t help herself. For the record, I apologized profusely post-hit, then again in the morning and again when he got home from work the next day. I would not have felt half as guilty were the dream punches not directed at him in the first place. But as he was the intended victim, and the crime was actually committed, it feels as though my subconscious and conscious worlds had a little too much overlap for comfort.

I’m kind of wondering if I’m an abusive spouse. Sometimes Dan will hurt me. Now, he doesn’t mean to do it. For years I’ve called him Lennie from Of Mice and Men because all he wants to do is “tend the rabbits” yet he is sometimes unaware that he is bigger than I am and thus ends up snapping my neck. Or just accidentally pulling my hair or shoving me a bit harder than he means to when he is trying to give a playful hipcheck as we are walking down the street together. But it’s my reaction to this that so concerns me. I hit him back. In the arm. I can’t help it. It’s not exactly reflex though, which is something Dan is always quick to point out. It’s not like he hits me and---BOOM!---my arm extends like some Rock ‘em Sock ‘em robot. No, I get mad first. I get injured, which quickly turns to a flame of anger ignited by this wrongdoing (accidental as it may be), and then I injure him in return. It’s a tinily premeditated act of revenge. It occurs in a matter of seconds this chain reaction of pain-anger-violence, but it happens. And Dan always laughs at me, not because he is amused by the punch (he agrees that I know what I’m doing), but for the hesitation which precedes this violence. That quick moment he observes of my boiling.

“I can’t help it!” I tell him. “It’s instinct!”

“It’s not instinct!” he argues back, laughing. “There’s a pause! There’s a pause! You get mad and then you do it.”

And I know he’s right. He’s totally right. The recognition that I’ve been harmed comes over me (and let’s be clear, I have been wounded), and then a wave of anger at the injustice and then, well, revenge.

Do you see why I’m scared to have kids? What if I beat them in my dreams too?

And then there’s Dan. I’d come home and he’d be all---

"I’d pet ‘em, and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinched their heads a little and then they was dead—because they was so little.”

Two diaphragms tonight. Two.


becky.breslin said...

LOL...thanks for the laugh...and I'm so glad you were capable of a funny blog entry after what I read yesterday (Yep, Ame...the concerned big sis strikes again)...even if punching Dan is what we are laughing about...and Dan, for the record, I never want you to be punched...EVER...I remain the President of your fan club :).

The Lenny reference cracked my ass up, too. Even though 2012 has been a bitch of a year ALREADY and Amy is right, we should all give it the are working things out...even if in slumber. Further, I think Dan might have been the recipient in the dream, but let's face was displaced anger and Dan really wasn't supposed to be on the receiving end of this...not in slumber and not in actuality :).

There are not enough therapists in this world...
Love you, Lo. Thanks, again, for the laugh.
Did I fail to mention to you that your writing remains brilliant even under the influence of meds + wine?!!
Bookish gets more brilliant by the day...I just know it.

Sassy said...

What did Dan tell his co-workers when they saw the black eye? 'Oh, I just fell down the steps'..............

Anonymous said...

Are we totally sure he didn't deserve it, Bec? I love me some Dan balls, but his pants were on the floor...

I am fairly certain I snorted salad out of my nose when I read this. I read yesterday's & today's in the same sitting. Because SOMEONE didn't mention they posted as SOMEONE usually does. But whatev. I went from feeling really worried about you to reading this & knowing that MY Lola was going to be just fine. She's got the fight in her! :)

It reminds me of a wicket funny story about my older sister. She was married to this really uptight dude w/ bad hair. Picture the hair...he was a weatherman who would fill in on TV on occasion so the hair was too perfect. Blonde, really thick hair, parted on the side & the comb over (not to cover bald but because what else do you do w/ hair that thick) was kept too long in my book. He was tall, over 6 feet, so pretty big guy... One night in a dream, she placed her hands & her boht of feet against him & pushed him right out of the bed. She was sound asleep. He landed on the floor without warning. (Stop laughing, you won't be able to read.) She wakes up to seeing his hands on the edge of the mattress, he pulls himself up onto his knees, bad hair a total wreck and says to her "What was THAT for?!" He totally deserved it, too.

So glad punching Dan made you feel better. Oh, sorry, I forgot we were pretending you were really sorry. Dan, I kid - I hope your arm heals soon. And we love you more for being the punching bag when the going gets shitty. :)


Matthew said...

My first night in LA. We were all sleeping in the living room cuz we had no furniture yet, and I sat up, snapped my fingers and said with the attitude of a black women, "Oh, no you didn't Drew!!!"

Two years later, I was sleeping in bed with my friend Lizz because there was an AC unit in her room. In the middle of the night I woke up wrapped around her head looking through her hair for bugs like a monkey.

Anonymous said...

Violent sleeping is in your blood. I warned Dan about this before he married you. There are worse flaws. Imagine if you were mean to Dan all morning because you held a grudge for something he did in your dream. It happens. Trust me. I heard it on Dr. Phil.
Your Anonymous Brother.

Russell Dill said...

Relationship fights are inevitable, Lola. But physically hurting each other is one unhealthy way to do it. Pull yourself together, there's still a chance to fix this. Remember, what Dan said: “There’s a pause! There’s a pause! You get mad and then you do it.” My advice to the both of you is to make use of this pause. If Dan is in a rage, take this as a sign or a signal to postpone the conversation. And then, talk about it after a while. The same applies if you’re the one enraged.